ropg / ezTime

ezTime — pronounced "Easy Time" — is a very easy to use Arduino time and date library that provides NTP network time lookups, extensive timezone support, formatted time and date strings, user events, millisecond precision and more.
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Several Question for implementation. #83

Open khawajamechatronics opened 4 years ago

khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago


I hope you are doing well. I am using this awesome library in a project. I have several queries. Instead of creating Issue of each query I prefer here as a thread.

I am not sure if there is any other platform where @ropg discuss issues or queries.

1- local_or_utc = UTC_TIME; //Does this means UTC 0 time or GMT +0 time got from NTP? or set locally? local_or_utc = LOCAL; // Whats the difference here? Does it is referenced to any time zone set. or just Arduino Time without NTP?


khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

Using myTZ.setDefault(); Does it affects UTC_TIME? Does it affects LOCAL_TIME?

khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

After going through several open issues, it seems Timezone is not fully working. Only UTC time is working.

As per SetEvent function it seems it only using UTC time. for (uint8_t n = 0; n < MAX_EVENTS; n++) { if (_events[n].function && nowUTC(false) >= _events[n].time) { debug(F("Running event (#")); debug(n + 1); debug(F(") set for ")); debugln(UTC.dateTime(_events[n].time)); void (*tmp)() = _events[n].function; _events[n] = { 0, NULL }; // reset the event (tmp)(); // execute the function } }

ropg commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

I'm not sure I understand what you mean with the first question. NTP time is always in UTC. ("UTC 0 time or GMT +0 time got from NTP" ?), one has to add or subtract to get to data in any local timezone, which is what ezTime should do for you. If you create a timezone and set it to "Asia/Karachi", it should get the Posix string of PKT-5 from the server, which means you are 5 hrs away from UTC.

setEvent can be supplied the time in local time or in UTC, as with most other functions in ezTime. Internally it uses UTC.

I am quite busy working on this website, so replies may be slow sometimes, but I'll try to answer if you provide me with clear simple three-line code segments that are not working for you.

khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

Thanks for response. I am still exploring the library so apologize if I am unable to explain things well.

myTZ.setLocation(F("Pacific/Auckland")); myTZ.setDefault();

It will set default timezone.

But when I call Serial.print(hour(TIME_NOW,LOCAL_TIME)); or Serial.print(hour(TIME_NOW,UTC_TIME)); it prints same results. in short UTC_TIME or LOCAL_TIME has no affect on several functions I have tested.

May be issue #10 ? Also setDefault affects on which functions. Does UTC.dateTime() remains UTC 0?

Let me explain in more simple way. Using myTZ.setLocation(F("Pacific/Auckland")); myTZ.setDefault();

myTZ is declared in my Sketch, what is correspond internally. Like UTC is for GMT 0 what will be equivalent for myTZ? which can be called inside the sketch.

I assume it was LOCAL_TIME but it is not functioning properly.

In that case I have to play with library very carefully.

khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

Let me give you example with functions In Sketch myTZ.setLocation(F("Asia/Karachi")); myTZ.setDefault(); Serial.println(now()); In Source Code time_t now() { return (defaultTZ->now()); } So above results should have been printed UTC Seconds in ASIA/Karachi Timezone But it printed in GMT 0 time.

ropg commented 4 years ago

The first example does print two different hours for me. Are you sure your time synchronizes?

Can you try this sketch and post the output? (This assumes you have an ESP32 or something similar. Adapt to your environment if necessary.)

#include <ezTime.h>
#include <WiFi.h>

void setup() {

    WiFi.begin("your-ssid", "your-password");

    Serial.println("UTC: " + UTC.dateTime());

    Timezone NewZealand;
    Serial.println("New Zealand time: " + NewZealand.dateTime());

void loop() { }
khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

Yes this does print 2 different time.

I am talking about

#include <ezTime.h>
#include <WiFi.h>

void setup() {

    WiFi.begin("your-ssid", "your-password");

    Serial.println("UTC: " + UTC.dateTime());

    Timezone NewZealand;
    Serial.println("New Zealand time: " + NewZealand.dateTime());


Should above 2 prints of now() be same or different? Considering defaults are changed using setDefault?

khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

@ropg I know you busy. I hope you find time to review this.


ropg commented 4 years ago

I guess it should print two different numbers. Doesn't it?

khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

@ropg Apologize, I wanted to reference to different variable, yes now() prints different time after setDefault.

Can you check this code as its hitting exception when digitalClockDisplay is called.

Exception doesn't happen when I print hour,min,seconds or day month year, seperate but I combine both set as in code below its hitting exception. not sure why.

#include <ezTime.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
long lastTimeMillis;
Timezone myTZ;
void setup() {
while (!Serial) {
;  // wait for Serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only
WiFi.begin("SSID", "PASS");
// Uncomment the line below to see what it does behind the scenes
Serial.println("UTC: " + UTC.dateTime());
Timezone NewZealand;
Serial.println("Pakistan time: " + NewZealand.dateTime());
// Serial.println(now(),UTC_TIME);
void loop() {
void digitalClockDisplay() {
if (millis() - lastTimeMillis > 5000)
// digital clock display of the time
// Serial.print(hour(TIME_NOW,LOCAL_TIME));
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
lastTimeMillis = millis();
void printDigits(int digits) {
// utility function for digital clock display: prints preceding colon and leading 0
if (digits < 10)


khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

Exception Decoder image

khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

Library is very useful despite of minor issues or misunderstanding. Thanks for your work @ropg

khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

@ropg 2 important questions

prints same time when I have different default time zone,

Am I missing something or is it a bug?

khawajamechatronics commented 4 years ago

@ropg It seems the issue is debugln(defaultTZ->dateTime(t)); as it shows incorrect time and it confuses, can you let me know how to show correct time.