ropnop / impacket_static_binaries

Standalone binaries for Linux/Windows of Impacket's examples
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windows build with python3 and up-to-date pip #12

Open svenhertle opened 3 years ago

svenhertle commented 3 years ago

Building the Windows binaries currently fails due to an outdated pip version (the cryptography module requires rust; newer pip versions use a pre-compiled version instead of compiling it locally).

Updating pip in the docker-pyinstaller:python2 container failed, so I switched to python3 which seems to work. Additionally, building the python2 container is not possible anymore as Microsoft removed the download of the VCForPython27.msi file (but I did not try to fix this).

I only tested secretsdump_windows.exe, nothing more. So I'm not sure if switching to python 3 is currently a good idea. However, here are my changes, maybe it's helpful.