ropnop / kerbrute

A tool to perform Kerberos pre-auth bruteforcing
Apache License 2.0
2.57k stars 415 forks source link

ARM version? #50

Open StathisKap opened 2 years ago

StathisKap commented 2 years ago

I've got a Mac M1 so could we get an ARM version of this?

vysecurity commented 2 years ago

Just go build?

go install

❯ kerbrute

    __             __               __
   / /_____  _____/ /_  _______  __/ /____
  / //_/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ / / / __/ _ \
 / ,< /  __/ /  / /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/  __/
/_/|_|\___/_/  /_.___/_/   \__,_/\__/\___/

Version: dev (n/a) - 06/12/22 - Ronnie Flathers @ropnop

This tool is designed to assist in quickly bruteforcing valid Active Directory accounts through Kerberos Pre-Authentication.
It is designed to be used on an internal Windows domain with access to one of the Domain Controllers.
Warning: failed Kerberos Pre-Auth counts as a failed login and WILL lock out accounts

  kerbrute [command]

Available Commands:
  bruteforce    Bruteforce username:password combos, from a file or stdin
  bruteuser     Bruteforce a single user's password from a wordlist
  help          Help about any command
  passwordspray Test a single password against a list of users
  userenum      Enumerate valid domain usernames via Kerberos
  version       Display version info and quit

      --dc string       The location of the Domain Controller (KDC) to target. If blank, will lookup via DNS
      --delay int       Delay in millisecond between each attempt. Will always use single thread if set
  -d, --domain string   The full domain to use (e.g.
  -h, --help            help for kerbrute
  -o, --output string   File to write logs to. Optional.
      --safe            Safe mode. Will abort if any user comes back as locked out. Default: FALSE
  -t, --threads int     Threads to use (default 10)
  -v, --verbose         Log failures and errors

Use "kerbrute [command] --help" for more information about a command.
deciphr102 commented 2 years ago

I followed same steps but still kerbrute not working for me

bhavsec commented 2 years ago

Please follow this Installation guide for ARM Architecture / Kali Linux (arm64) running on M1 MacBooks:

Tested on Apple Macbook Pro M1 Max with Kali Linux (arm64) running in virtual machine.

Clone the repository and edit Makefile

git clone #
cd kerbrute
gedit Makefile

Modify and add arm64 in the ARCHS variable in end of the line:

ARCHS=amd64 386 arm64

Compile the code for Kali Linux (arm64)

make linux


└─# make linux
Building for linux amd64...
Building for linux 386...
Building for linux arm64...

Check dist directory for compiled binary:

└─# ls -la                
total 20976
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root    4096 Sep  7 01:23 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root    4096 Sep  7 01:23 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6907538 Sep  7 01:23 kerbrute_linux_386
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7351088 Sep  7 01:23 kerbrute_linux_amd64
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7204048 Sep  7 01:23 kerbrute_linux_arm64

run the code

└─# ./kerbrute_linux_arm64    

    __             __               __     
   / /_____  _____/ /_  _______  __/ /____ 
  / //_/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ ___/ / / / __/ _ \
 / ,< /  __/ /  / /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/  __/
/_/|_|\___/_/  /_.___/_/   \__,_/\__/\___/                                        

Version: dev (9cfb81e) - 09/07/22 - Ronnie Flathers @ropnop

This tool is designed to assist in quickly bruteforcing valid Active Directory accounts through Kerberos Pre-Authentication.
It is designed to be used on an internal Windows domain with access to one of the Domain Controllers.
Warning: failed Kerberos Pre-Auth counts as a failed login and WILL lock out accounts

  kerbrute [command]

Available Commands:
  bruteforce    Bruteforce username:password combos, from a file or stdin
  bruteuser     Bruteforce a single user's password from a wordlist
  help          Help about any command
  passwordspray Test a single password against a list of users
  userenum      Enumerate valid domain usernames via Kerberos
  version       Display version info and quit

      --dc string          The location of the Domain Controller (KDC) to target. If blank, will lookup via DNS
      --delay int          Delay in millisecond between each attempt. Will always use single thread if set
  -d, --domain string      The full domain to use (e.g.
      --downgrade          Force downgraded encryption type (arcfour-hmac-md5)
      --hash-file string   File to save AS-REP hashes to (if any captured), otherwise just logged
  -h, --help               help for kerbrute
  -o, --output string      File to write logs to. Optional.
      --safe               Safe mode. Will abort if any user comes back as locked out. Default: FALSE
  -t, --threads int        Threads to use (default 10)
  -v, --verbose            Log failures and errors

Use "kerbrute [command] --help" for more information about a command.  
syllas1 commented 1 year ago

Building for linux amd64... /bin/sh: 1: go: not found /bin/sh: 3: go: not found make: *** [Makefile:35: linux] Error 1

If you get this error after you modify the Makefile, ensure you have golang-go installed.

After installing: apt install gccgo-go apt install golang-go

Everything went perfectly on Kali arm64

make linux Building for linux amd64... Building for linux 386... Building for linux arm64... Done.


__             __               __     

/ / / /_ ___ / /___ / /// \/ / \/ / / / / / \ / ,< / / / / // / / / // / /_/ / //||_// /.// _,/_/\/

Version: dev (9cfb81e) - 04/01/23 - Ronnie Flathers @ropnop

This tool is designed to assist in quickly bruteforcing valid Active Directory accounts through Kerberos Pre-Authentication. It is designed to be used on an internal Windows domain with access to one of the Domain Controllers. Warning: failed Kerberos Pre-Auth counts as a failed login and WILL lock out accounts

Usage: kerbrute [command]

Available Commands: bruteforce Bruteforce username:password combos, from a file or stdin bruteuser Bruteforce a single user's password from a wordlist help Help about any command passwordspray Test a single password against a list of users userenum Enumerate valid domain usernames via Kerberos version Display version info and quit

Flags: --dc string The location of the Domain Controller (KDC) to target. If blank, will lookup via DNS --delay int Delay in millisecond between each attempt. Will always use single thread if set -d, --domain string The full domain to use (e.g. --downgrade Force downgraded encryption type (arcfour-hmac-md5) --hash-file string File to save AS-REP hashes to (if any captured), otherwise just logged -h, --help help for kerbrute -o, --output string File to write logs to. Optional. --safe Safe mode. Will abort if any user comes back as locked out. Default: FALSE -t, --threads int Threads to use (default 10) -v, --verbose Log failures and errors

Use "kerbrute [command] --help" for more information about a command.

fubxx commented 1 year ago

go install

┌──(root㉿kali-linux-2022-2)-[~/Desktop/kerbrute-master] └─# make linux Building for linux amd64... fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git