ROR records include a corresponding Crossref Funder Registry ID when one is available. We want to make sure that we have as much coverage of the Funder Registry in ROR to optimize crosswalks between the two registries. We are analyzing ROR against the Funder Registry to identify missing funder IDs and add them to ROR records. We are also analyzing existing Funder Registry IDs in ROR to make sure the assignments are up to date.
ROR records include a corresponding Crossref Funder Registry ID when one is available. We want to make sure that we have as much coverage of the Funder Registry in ROR to optimize crosswalks between the two registries. We are analyzing ROR against the Funder Registry to identify missing funder IDs and add them to ROR records. We are also analyzing existing Funder Registry IDs in ROR to make sure the assignments are up to date.
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