rordenlab / MRIcroGL

v1.2 GLSL volume rendering. Able to view NIfTI, DICOM, MGH, MHD, NRRD, AFNI format images.
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cannot install the linux version on WSL (Ubuntu) #51

Closed michaelmcl1960 closed 9 months ago

michaelmcl1960 commented 1 year ago

I am trying to install the linux version of MRIcroGL on WSL. I can doenload the zip file but the download help page says to extract from the ZIP and then run the executable. But what is the executable? I can see a file called MRIcroGL_QT. When I try to execute that I get the error:

Unable to find AFNI_ATLAS_PATH MRIcroGL/MRIcroGL_QT: symbol lookup error: MRIcroGL/MRIcroGL_QT: undefined symbol: QLCLOpenGLWidget_Create

As if it is expecing that I have setup some environmental variables.

neurolabusc commented 1 year ago

I would strongly suggest running the native Windows version of MRIcroGL instead of using the emulated WSL.

Note that there are different MRIcroGL downloads for different Linux distributions (with 1804 for Ubuntu 18.04 and earlier), you should be able to find your distribution with

lsb_release -a

The download includes two versions of MRIcroGL: MRIcroGL if you use the GTK2 widget set and MRIcroGL_QT if you use the QT widgetset. GTK3 is not supported, as it can not support multi-sampling. Read MRIcroGL_Linux_Installation.txt for more details.

Again, I would strongly urge you to use the native Windows compilation. For this reason, I do not have much experience with WSL. You may want to ensure that glxgears and FSLeyes work in your WSL instance, as these do not have native Windows implementations so the developers may have more experience with WSL.

michaelmcl1960 commented 1 year ago

I would like to run it in Linux also because I use Freesurfer with my linux installation (Ubuntu 22.04)

Is the file ./MRIcroGL_QT the executable the installation help talks about?

Am I correct in typing ./MRIcroGL_QT to run mricrogl?

How do I try FSLeyes and glxgears?

lsb_release -a

give me this:

No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS Release: 22.04 Codename: jammy

How do I try FSLeyes and glxgears?

neurolabusc commented 1 year ago
michaelmcl1960 commented 1 year ago

Thanks you, have helped a lot. I was able to get fsleyes and glxgears working eventually by following your links. MRIcroGL_QT is still not working though. I still get the error: Unable to find AFNI_ATLAS_PATH which goes away if I use : export AFNI_ATLAS_PATH=/home/michael/MRIcroGL/Resources/atlas but then I still get the other error:

MRIcroGL/MRIcroGL_QT: symbol lookup error: MRIcroGL/MRIcroGL_QT: undefined symbol: QLCLOpenGLWidget_Create

I think there is some installtion file that I need to run that is not referred to in the documentation

michaelmcl1960 commented 1 year ago

I got much further! This got me past that error:

Apparently there is an issue with libqt5pas

Now I have this error:

Could not find FB config: will try without multi-sampling [FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred Sender=EAccessViolation Exception=Access violation Stack trace: $000000000086CCEA

This sounds like an environmental variable is missing

neurolabusc commented 1 year ago

Any luck using the GTK2 version instead of QT5? I have no more insights for supporting this emulated environment.