roryeiffe / Spoiler-Block

Google Chrome Extension that filters out search result suggestions that "spoil" or reveal plot elements of the media (shows, movies, books, etc.).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Replacing word in text that is found in dictionairy #22

Closed Sushiman33 closed 3 years ago

Sushiman33 commented 3 years ago

When working on the word replace functionality that looks to see if a word is in the dictionary and replaces said word, the program cannot currently do so. In my forked directory in the content.js file, the current functionality only uses the result of a JSON.parse and not the dictionary that is currently commented out.

Goal is to see if word being is in dictionary (dictionary key is the spoiler word), if so, replace word. Previous attempts could not get program to detect word that is key.