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API docs for the whole stack via doxygen (backport #278) #284

Closed mergify[bot] closed 4 weeks ago

mergify[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Instead of running doxygen only on ros2_control repo, I implemented it now for all repositories at once.

This made some changes necessary to the helper scripts: I converted them to python scripts, because it would have been to complicated to formulate the repository-maps with bash scripts.

The doxyfile is moved over from ros2_control, but with updating it to a new doxygen version.

main page


example controller page


This is an automatic backport of pull request #278 done by Mergify.

mergify[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

Cherry-pick of 56c9fcb25ab85ce984c591104e9442a065d88bcd has failed:

On branch mergify/bp/humble/pr-278
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/humble'.

You are currently cherry-picking commit 56c9fcb.
  (fix conflicts and run "git cherry-pick --continue")
  (use "git cherry-pick --skip" to skip this patch)
  (use "git cherry-pick --abort" to cancel the cherry-pick operation)

Changes to be committed:
    modified:   .github/workflows/ci-format.yml
    modified:   .gitignore
    modified:   Makefile
    modified:   doc/api_list/api_list.rst
    modified:   doc/api_list/
    modified:   index.rst
    deleted:    make_help_scripts/add_pr_stats
    new file:   make_help_scripts/
    deleted:    make_help_scripts/add_sub_repos
    new file:   make_help_scripts/
    deleted:    make_help_scripts/add_tmp_commits
    new file:   make_help_scripts/
    deleted:    make_help_scripts/check_links
    new file:   make_help_scripts/
    deleted:    make_help_scripts/create_api
    new file:   make_help_scripts/
    deleted:    make_help_scripts/create_api_multi_version
    new file:   make_help_scripts/
    modified:   make_help_scripts/
    deleted:    make_help_scripts/delete_sub_repos
    new file:   make_help_scripts/
    deleted:    make_help_scripts/delete_tmp_commits
    new file:   make_help_scripts/
    new file:   make_help_scripts/

Unmerged paths:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." as appropriate to mark resolution)
    deleted by us:   .github/workflows/sphinx-check-page-multiversion.yml
    both modified:
    deleted by them: make_help_scripts/deploy_defines

To fix up this pull request, you can check it out locally. See documentation: