I run roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5.launch and I can see my controller topic /arm_controller/command
So, When I publish rostopic pub a desired torque of lets say 60 Nm on effort_controllers/JointGroupEffortController. Then it would go to 60 Nm then goes to Zero and the to 60 Nm and again to zero.
I checked my ur5.urdf.xacro for friction, damping, safety controller and limits. Not sure what's wrong.
I plot joint_states/efforts to analyze this issue. This issue is seen for every joint. (In the plot, only shoulder_lift_joint is analyzed.)
Plot of the joint state effort looks like this, rqt plot
I am using
wit ur5 arm in Gazebo. I set up my controller (interface etc) like this,UR5 package Link
My controller yaml looks like this,
`arm_controller: type: effort_controllers/JointGroupEffortController joints:
I run
roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5.launch
and I can see my controller topic/arm_controller/command
So, When I publishrostopic pub
a desired torque of lets say 60 Nm on effort_controllers/JointGroupEffortController. Then it would go to 60 Nm then goes to Zero and the to 60 Nm and again to zero.I checked my
for friction, damping, safety controller and limits. Not sure what's wrong.I plot joint_states/efforts to analyze this issue. This issue is seen for every joint. (In the plot, only shoulder_lift_joint is analyzed.) Plot of the joint state effort looks like this, rqt plot
ROS Melodic , 18.04 gazebo-9.0.0 Universal Robot (UR5) `https://github.com/ros-industrial/universal_robot/tree/melodic-devel