Open amjack0 opened 3 years ago
Hi @amjack0,
If you are generating torque trajectories, why not send them directly to HW? Either using command topic of the group controller or, even better, implementing your own controller, which generates trajectories and writes them to HW.
I guess, Thats What I am doing now with the custom action server, this action server is written over JoinGroupEffortController
and an action client generates the torque trajectories and sends it to action server. Then the action server writes the torque data to /command
topic. But I am not able to simulate this as I am facing issue
Why do you think implementing your own controller is better option when we already have JointEffortController
and JointGroupEffortController?
You did I it kind of by writing your own action server, but you are putting again ROS topics between (timed) trajectory and its execution. You can get here non-deterministic delays. This could be also part of the issue. With your controller, or by extending JoingGroup controller you can overcome this
I am able to implement it using JointGroupEffortController
with action server and action client
. I had some bugs related to threads and spin. Now it looks much better than before. Although, this results requires some more improvements !
In my point of view, it is better to design a real trajectory to achive impedance control. When I use accelation and vel to control, i think it is better to keep a limited force because the aim to use impedance control is make the trajectory smooth. I'm now testing the impedance, too.
I am trying to achieve
impedance control
(computed torque control) on UR5 arm in Gazebo, in which the applied torque is calculated as,Acceleration = K_p(currentAngle - desiredAngle) + K_v (currentVelocity - desiredVelocity) + desiredAcceleration
torque = M * Acceleration + Coriolis*Velcoity + Gravity + friction
This series of torques is calculated to generate torque waypoints which gives torque trajectories.
Now, I want to publish this torque waypoints on robot controller to generate the trajectory in gazebo. For this I have written a custom action server over
and I am sending effort goals to server using custom action client.action_server action_client
But I am still not sure If this is the way to achieve the
impedance Control
orpure torque mode
?ROS Melodic , 18.04 gazebo-9.0.0 Universal Robot (UR5) `