The raw data obtained from libfreenect using Kinect depth sensor is actually a 11-bit number between 0-2047, called disparity (with unit in kdu--kinect disparity unit), while other libraries like OpenNI provides converted depth data. However, I found that the data in /camera/depth/image_raw is converted real depth(mm) and >2047.But I could not find where the raw data was converted in the code. What's going on? Please help me. thank you
The raw data obtained from libfreenect using Kinect depth sensor is actually a 11-bit number between 0-2047, called disparity (with unit in kdu--kinect disparity unit), while other libraries like OpenNI provides converted depth data. However, I found that the data in /camera/depth/image_raw is converted real depth(mm) and >2047.But I could not find where the raw data was converted in the code. What's going on? Please help me. thank you