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Error: e210fffc (The connection between the camera and Jetson becomes unstable.) #73

Open RyuAmakaze opened 7 months ago

RyuAmakaze commented 7 months ago


The camera occasionally produces an Error: e210fffc, and upon executing the 'lsusb' command in the Jetson terminal, it has been confirmed that the camera is not recognized. The log at the time of the issue is as follows:

Error: e210fffc
[ INFO] [1689308329.098251080]: [Camera] Camera closed
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::wrapexcept<boost::lock_error>'
  what():  boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument


Debugging code has been attached to demonstrate how to trace the issue when the error occurs. Based on the observed circumstances, it is inferred that 'ptrGrabResult->GrabSucceeded()' is evaluating to False.

[ INFO] [1689322235.991963013]: trigger_num : 8
[ INFO] [1689322235.991984134]: A
[ INFO] [1689322235.992001638]: B
[ INFO] [1689322236.003959851]: [Camera] simulator recommend by stage 25, 23, 50
[ INFO] [1689322236.520937697]: [Camera] simulator recommend by stage 26, 24, 55
[ INFO] [1689322236.775835207]: C
Error: e210fffc
[ INFO] [1689322236.804900722]: [Camera] Camera closed

Additionally, it is noted that monitoring the camera temperature has been performed previously, and it is unrelated to the current error.