ros-drivers / omron

ROS driver for OMRON OS32C laser scanner.
18 stars 15 forks source link

Release for noetic #27

Closed Rayman closed 3 years ago

Rayman commented 3 years ago

Hey, is it possible to release the omron driver for noetic? Are there any blocking issues for that?

reinzor commented 3 years ago has to be released first but it's not working on Noetic yet. I started a branch a couple of months ago but I wasn't able to test this myself. If you could verify this works, I can create a Noetic release.

reinzor commented 3 years ago

Hmm, I see that branch is already merged. Could you verify this is working on Noetic? Both on the kinetic-devel branch?

Rayman commented 3 years ago

Everything seems to work. I'm running with

rostopic hz /scan
subscribed to [/scan]
average rate: 12.857
    min: 0.078s max: 0.078s std dev: 0.00005s window: 13
average rate: 12.856
    min: 0.078s max: 0.078s std dev: 0.00005s window: 26
^Caverage rate: 12.856
    min: 0.078s max: 0.078s std dev: 0.00005s window: 36
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Release:    20.04
Codename:   focal
reinzor commented 3 years ago odva_ethernet_ip release. I cannot release the omron driver yet because it complains that odva_ethernet_ip has not been released yet.

Failed to resolve odva_ethernetip on ubuntu:focal with: Error running generator: Failed to resolve rosdep key 'odva_ethernetip', aborting.
odva_ethernetip is depended on by these packages: ['omron_os32c_driver']
<== Failed
Some of the dependencies for packages in this repository could not be resolved by rosdep.

Not sure if this is resolved when this PR gets accepted.

Rayman commented 3 years ago

They are gonna do a sync on monday, not sure if they will accept new packages before that date.

reinzor commented 3 years ago ; will have to wait until next noetic sync

reinzor commented 3 years ago


mbed92 commented 3 years ago

What is the status of the Noetic release? According to ROS packages the package is still missing.

Rayman commented 3 years ago

As far as I can see, the driver was released see rosdistro and in the release repo here.

But for some reason, it's not showing up as released

@reinzor what could have happened?

reinzor commented 3 years ago

I don't know why it doesn't have a binary release. ros-noetic-odva-ethernetip does exist and was released in the same way.

However, when I look at the build page, it says aborted all the time ..

I am on holiday now but I will try to look into this when I am back (in two weeks)

mbed92 commented 2 years ago

Hi @reinzor. What's the status of the issue?