ros-drivers / phidgets_drivers

ROS drivers for various Phidgets devices
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Connect two spatial #21

Closed matteopantano closed 6 years ago

matteopantano commented 6 years ago


I am trying to use phidgets_imu. I have two spatial with different serial numbers but when I try to run the launch file provided it always connect to the same one. I am not able to create two launch files that launch two different sensors, I have changed the name of topic s but still does not work!

<!-- Phidgets IMU launch file -->


  #### Nodelet manager ######################################################

  <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="imu_manager" args="manager" output="screen">


  #### IMU Driver ###########################################################

  <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="PhidgetsImuNodelet" args="load phidgets_imu/PhidgetsImuNodelet imu_manager" output="screen">

    <remap from="/imu/data_raw" to="/imu_top/data_raw"/>
    <remap from="/imu/mag" to="/imu_top/mag"/>
    <remap from="/imu/is_calibrated" to="/imu_top/is_calibrated"/>

    # supported data rates: 4 8 16 24 32 40 ... 1000 (in ms)
    <param name="period" value="4"/>
    <param name="frame_id" value="imu_link_top"/>

    # optional param serial_number, default is -1
    <param name="serial_number" value="301940"/>

    # compass correction params (see
    <param name="cc_mag_field" value="1.04193"/>
    <param name="cc_offset0" value="0.01966"/>
    <param name="cc_offset1" value="0.12772"/>
    <param name="cc_offset2" value="0.00000"/>
    <param name="cc_gain0" value="0.98090"/>
    <param name="cc_gain1" value="0.93862"/>
    <param name="cc_gain2" value="0.95976"/>
    <param name="cc_t0" value="0.00346"/>
    <param name="cc_t1" value="0.00000"/>
    <param name="cc_t2" value="0.00361"/>
    <param name="cc_t3" value="0.00000"/>
    <param name="cc_t4" value="0.00000"/>
    <param name="cc_t5" value="0.00000"/>

  #### IMU Orientation Filter ###############################################

  <node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="ImuFilterNodelet" args="load imu_filter_madgwick/ImuFilterNodelet imu_manager" output="screen">

    <remap from="/imu/data_raw" to="/imu_top/data_raw"/>
    <remap from="/imu/mag" to="/imu_top/mag"/>
    <remap from="/imu/data" to="/imu_top/data"/>

    <param name="use_mag" value="false"/>
    <param name="use_magnetic_field_msg" value="true"/>
    <param name="world_frame" value="enu"/>
    <param name="publish_tf" value="false"/>


This is the example of my launch file, I tried to insert the param serial_number but no results.

mintar commented 6 years ago

Hmm, strange. Unfortunately I only have one Phidgets IMU available for testing. I tried the following:

So that seems to be correct, and I would have hoped that it works with two devices. Can you attach some more log output that demonstrates the problem?

mintar commented 6 years ago

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