ros-drivers / pointgrey_camera_driver

ROS driver for Pt. Grey cameras, based on the official FlyCapture2 SDK.
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Gain units #126

Open NikolausDemmel opened 7 years ago

NikolausDemmel commented 7 years ago

I am looking for precedent for messages with gain values and came across e.g. or, which contain an element gain with units db.

Can someone confirm how to interpret the db units. I.e. how do I convert from a multiplicative factor on the intensities recorded by the imager to the db value?

On the web I find the distinction between power-gain and current / voltage gain, and I am not 100% sure which one is the one to apply here.

I assume it is "voltage gain" such that the relationship is:

gain_db = 20 * log_10(gain_multiplier)

where gain_multiplier is a multiplicative factor on the pixel intensities (before gamma encoding) such that for example gain_multiplier = 2.0 has a similar effect on the pixel intensities to gain_multiplier == 1.0 with twice as long exposure time (except for image noise and motion blur ofc).

Can anyone confirm or correct this?

P.S.: I found a reference in a AVT document: Search for "GainValue" in