ros-drivers / pointgrey_camera_driver

ROS driver for Pt. Grey cameras, based on the official FlyCapture2 SDK.
128 stars 180 forks source link

Flycapture in arm64, frame everynow and then.. the window gets frozen #149

Open JaouadROS opened 6 years ago

JaouadROS commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to work with my camera blackfly (Sony ICX692) in Jetson TX1 using ROS. First I installed the SDK for arm64; after that I got that famous error of fatal error: flycapture/FlyCapture2.h: No such file or directory and as I've another machine where the package and the camera works fine (not arm architecture), I copied the folder /usr/include/flycapture to my Jetson to the same directory. So I could compile the package pointgrey_camera_driver however when I launch rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/image_raw the window gets frozen then it shows one frame and then frozen again it gets darker for few seconds then shows another frame.. etc Is it a common issue in TX1 and is there a solution for it?

EDIT: When I reduce the resolution I get more frame ~5-10 fps (the resolution is set to 30 fps)