ros-drivers / pointgrey_camera_driver

ROS driver for Pt. Grey cameras, based on the official FlyCapture2 SDK.
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How to change the frame of image_mono topic? #213

Open park-dea opened 1 year ago

park-dea commented 1 year ago


I changed the frame rate of stereo.launch file. (15 -> 30) So, When I checked, the frame of the image_row topic was changed to 30. But the frame of the image_mono topic is fixed at 60.

How to change the frame of image_mono topic?

Any help or advice would be appreciated, thanks.

rostopic hz /camera/left/image_raw subscribed to [/camera/left/image_raw] average rate: 30.944

rostopic hz /camera/left/image_mono subscribed to [/camera/left/image_mono] average rate: 59.894


Vergilwwj commented 1 year ago

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