ros-drivers / pointgrey_camera_driver

ROS driver for Pt. Grey cameras, based on the official FlyCapture2 SDK.
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Adding ARM support for flycapture 2.x #34

Closed l0g1x closed 9 years ago

l0g1x commented 9 years ago

This will allow ARM users to use this pointgrey camera driver. File structure in the ARM download is different from x86 download, so some folder/file relocation needed to be done in order to compile successfully.

l0g1x commented 9 years ago

okay got it to work. Will do clean up and place things in /usr folder. Silly question, would you happen to know how i could visualize the image? echo'ing the topic works (with some image consistency issues), but when i do rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/image i get a md5 error, which i felt like wasnt a issue when i ran on x86 (may be wrong). im using Jetson TK1 as my ARM board

l0g1x commented 9 years ago

also, in the wiki under troubleshooting, the sysctl link to pointgrey's website is not working

mikepurvis commented 9 years ago

Fixed the sysctl KB link.

Re: MD5 sum mismatch, note that /camera/image is a WFOVImage; you probably meant to check out the camera/image_raw topic, which should be image_view-friendly.

Re: /usr and dpkg expansion, do whatever's most convenient, but I would be just as happy to have the contents of the expanded usr dir copied up a level as I would having the contents of the armhf archive pushed down into usr dir.

l0g1x commented 9 years ago

Yeah i knew about the different message types, i think what confused me was that nothing was showing up in the image_view window when subscribing to /camera/image_raw , but when echo'd image_raw, i was seeing data.

mikepurvis commented 9 years ago

Is this good to go in?

l0g1x commented 9 years ago

I will wrap this up now

l0g1x commented 9 years ago

Okay think its good. Removed all debug, and got rid of branching in cmake like you asked. Let me know if theres anything you see