Hello everyone,
First of all thanks for taking the time to check my issue. The error I get is the following:
[ERROR] [1623244822.830661872]: Invalid 'stop_frame' -2147483648 for video which has -2.76701e+17 frames. Setting internally (won't be shown in dynamic_reconfigure) 'stop_frame' to -2.76701e+17
[ERROR] [1623244822.830673509]: Invalid 'start_frame' 0, which exceeds 'stop_frame' -2147483648. Setting internally (won't be shown in dynamic_reconfigure) 'start_frame' to 0.
Here is my launch file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- launch video stream -->
<include file="$(find video_stream_opencv)/launch/camera.launch" >
<!-- node name and ros graph name -->
<arg name="camera_name" value="videofile" />
<!-- full path to the video file -->
<!-- wget http://techslides.com/demos/sample-videos/econVideo_2021-06-09-16-33-56_0.mkv -O /tmp/small.mp4 -->
<arg name="video_stream_provider" value="/home/antonis/Desktop/test_econ_video/econVideo_2021-06-09-16-33-56_2.mkv" />
<!-- set camera fps to (video files not affected) -->
<arg name="set_camera_fps" value="27"/>
<!-- set buffer queue size of frame capturing to -->
<arg name="buffer_queue_size" value="1000" />
<!-- throttling the querying of frames to -->
<arg name="fps" value="27" />
<!-- setting frame_id -->
<arg name="frame_id" value="videofile_frame" />
<!-- camera info loading, take care as it needs the "file:///" at the start , e.g.:
"file:///$(find your_camera_package)/config/your_camera.yaml" -->
<arg name="camera_info_url" value="" />
<!-- flip the image horizontally (mirror it) -->
<arg name="flip_horizontal" value="false" />
<!-- flip the image vertically -->
<arg name="flip_vertical" value="false" />
<!-- enable looping playback -->
<arg name="loop_videofile" value="false" />
<!-- start frame of video -->
<arg name="start_frame" default="0"/>
<!-- stop frame of video, -1 means the end of video -->
<arg name="stop_frame" default="-1"/>
<!-- visualize on an image_view window the stream generated -->
<arg name="visualize" value="false" />
Hello everyone, First of all thanks for taking the time to check my issue. The error I get is the following:
Here is my launch file.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.