ros-drivers / video_stream_opencv

A package to open video streams and publish them in ROS using the opencv videocapture mechanism
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ROSNode crashes after connecting from web_video_server ROSNode #29

Closed Aansh2 closed 3 years ago

Aansh2 commented 5 years ago

My Configuration -

  1. Have started one web_video_server which is used for publish ROS video topic to browser using link
  2. Have started one video_stream_opencv ROSNode using roslaunch
  3. Able to see ros video topic link in browser

Issue : when I click on link one request goes to web_video_server node to get Particular topic video/ image but the video_stream_opencv node crashes in 1 sec also doe not provide any log error.

Q. Do we need to have some video player to get video ? Q. Does video_stream_opencv able to stream video ?

Note: I am using "" example. I have also tested without web_video_server what is provided in the example visualize=true, but no luck.



NODES /videoe6/ videoe6_stream (video_stream_opencv/video_stream)


process[videoe6/videoe6_stream-1]: started with pid [53162] [ INFO] [1549452087.564457100]: Resource video_stream_provider: /bbb-360p.mp4 [ INFO] [1549452087.564543000]: Getting video from provider: /bbb-360p.mp4 [ INFO] [1549452087.572626100]: Video stream provider type detected: videofile [ INFO] [1549452087.576083700]: Camera name: videoe6 [ INFO] [1549452087.579046500]: Setting camera FPS to: 35 [ INFO] [1549452087.579101800]: Camera reports FPS: 24 [ INFO] [1549452087.583555900]: Setting buffer size for capturing frames to: 890 [ INFO] [1549452087.589854200]: Throttling to fps: 25 [ INFO] [1549452087.594140100]: Publishing with frame_id: videoe4 [ INFO] [1549452087.598559800]: Provided camera_info_url: '' [ INFO] [1549452087.605323400]: Flip horizontal image is: false [ INFO] [1549452087.608432000]: Flip vertical image is: false [ INFO] [1549452087.625571900]: Forced image width is: 100 [ INFO] [1549452087.625615800]: Forced image height is: 100 [ INFO] [1549452087.633463000]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [1549452087.633532000]: camera calibration URL: file:///root/.ros/camera_info/videoe6.yaml [ INFO] [1549452087.634625900]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/root/.ros/camera_info/videoe6.yaml] [ WARN] [1549452087.634663200]: Camera calibration file /root/.ros/camera_info/videoe6.yaml not found. [ INFO] [1549452087.634718900]: Opened the stream, starting to publish. [ WARN] [1549452159.435056700]: No calibration file given, publishing a reasonable default camera info. [ INFO] [1549452159.435117500]: The image width is: 640 [ INFO] [1549452159.435171800]: The image height is: 360 [videoe6/videoe6_stream-1] process has died [pid 53162, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/video_stream_opencv/video_stream camera:=image __name:=videoe6_stream __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ff4d67e-29f8-11e9-9eb4-0242ac120002/videoe6-videoe6_stream-1.log]. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ff4d67e-29f8-11e9-9eb4-0242ac120002/videoe6-videoe6_stream-1*.log all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done

awesomebytes commented 5 years ago

Is your video really in the path (taken from the log):


That looks like a very weird path... You may want to specify a full system path or use the launchfile magic of $(find package_name)/subpath

Is the video correct? As in, you can play it with some other app?

Have you tried to use:

rosrun video_stream_opencv /bbb-360p.mp4

As the wiki states? If that doesn't work means opencv can't open the video, which may mean there is no support for the format of the video (missing codecs?) or the video is corrupted somehow.

On Wed, Feb 6, 2019, 22:36 Aansh2 < wrote:

My Configuration -

  1. Have started one web_video_server which is used for publish ROS video topic to browser using link
  2. Have started on video_stream_opencv ROSNode using roslaunch
  3. Able to see ros video topic link in browser

Issue : when I click on link one request goes to web_video_server node to get Particular topic video/ image but the video_stream_opencv node crashes in 1 sec also doe not provide any log error.

Q. Do we need to have some video player to get video ? Q. Does video_stream_opencv able to steam video ?

Note: I am using "" example. I have also tested without web_video_server what is provided in the example visualize=true, but know luck. LOG- SUMMARY


  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/buffer_queue_size: 890
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/camera_info_url:
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/camera_name: videoe6
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/flip_horizontal: False
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/flip_vertical: False
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/fps: 25.0
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/frame_id: videoe4
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/height: 100
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/loop_videofile: True
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/set_camera_fps: 35.0
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/video_stream_provider: /bbb-360p.mp4
  • /videoe6/videoe6_stream/width: 100
  • /rosdistro: kinetic
  • /rosversion: 1.12.13

NODES /videoe6/ videoe6_stream (video_stream_opencv/video_stream)


process[videoe6/videoe6_stream-1]: started with pid [53162] [ INFO] [1549452087.564457100]: Resource video_stream_provider: /bbb-360p.mp4 [ INFO] [1549452087.564543000]: Getting video from provider: /bbb-360p.mp4 [ INFO] [1549452087.572626100]: Video stream provider type detected: videofile [ INFO] [1549452087.576083700]: Camera name: videoe6 [ INFO] [1549452087.579046500]: Setting camera FPS to: 35 [ INFO] [1549452087.579101800]: Camera reports FPS: 24 [ INFO] [1549452087.583555900]: Setting buffer size for capturing frames to: 890 [ INFO] [1549452087.589854200]: Throttling to fps: 25 [ INFO] [1549452087.594140100]: Publishing with frame_id: videoe4 [ INFO] [1549452087.598559800]: Provided camera_info_url: '' [ INFO] [1549452087.605323400]: Flip horizontal image is: false [ INFO] [1549452087.608432000]: Flip vertical image is: false [ INFO] [1549452087.625571900]: Forced image width is: 100 [ INFO] [1549452087.625615800]: Forced image height is: 100 [ INFO] [1549452087.633463000]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [1549452087.633532000]: camera calibration URL: file:///root/.ros/camera_info/videoe6.yaml [ INFO] [1549452087.634625900]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/root/.ros/camera_info/videoe6.yaml] [ WARN] [1549452087.634663200]: Camera calibration file /root/.ros/camera_info/videoe6.yaml not found. [ INFO] [1549452087.634718900]: Opened the stream, starting to publish. [ WARN] [1549452159.435056700]: No calibration file given, publishing a reasonable default camera info. [ INFO] [1549452159.435117500]: The image width is: 640 [ INFO] [1549452159.435171800]: The image height is: 360 [videoe6/videoe6_stream-1] process has died [pid 53162, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/video_stream_opencv/video_stream camera:=image __name:=videoe6_stream __log:=/root/.ros/log/8ff4d67e-29f8-11e9-9eb4-0242ac120002/videoe6-videoe6_stream-1.log]. log file: /root/.ros/log/8ff4d67e-29f8-11e9-9eb4-0242ac120002/videoe6-videoe6_stream-1*.log all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete done

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Aansh2 commented 5 years ago

@awesomebytes Path is correct and have also tested with multiple combination like file:////bbb-360p.mp4. There is no problem to run the video using file. All in all the path and video are correct (log prints Video stream provider type detected: videofile ). Some time I can see one frame image in browser/ image_view window also but in back end it crashes.

Note: ROSNodes are running in Docker.

Update: When I run video_stream executable file it throws SEGMENTATION FAULT- /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/video_stream_opencv/video_stream camera:=video9 __name:=video6_stream _video_stream_provider:=/video-sample.flv _verbose:=true __log:=/log.log _fps:=1 _set_camera_fps:=10 [ INFO] [1549522676.187122000]: Resource video_stream_provider: /video-sample.flv [ INFO] [1549522676.187279600]: Getting video from provider: /video-sample.flv [ INFO] [1549522676.193291700]: Video stream provider type detected: videofile [ INFO] [1549522676.196131600]: Camera name: camera [ INFO] [1549522676.201353700]: Setting camera FPS to: 10 [ INFO] [1549522676.201405900]: Camera reports FPS: 1000 [ INFO] [1549522676.206598000]: Setting buffer size for capturing frames to: 100 [ INFO] [1549522676.209126000]: Throttling to fps: 1 [ INFO] [1549522676.210416200]: Publishing with frame_id: camera [ INFO] [1549522676.212900400]: Provided camera_info_url: '' [ INFO] [1549522676.215026800]: Flip horizontal image is: false [ INFO] [1549522676.216462600]: Flip vertical image is: false [ INFO] [1549522676.220779600]: using default calibration URL [ INFO] [1549522676.220854900]: camera calibration URL: file:///root/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml [ INFO] [1549522676.220951700]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/root/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml] [ WARN] [1549522676.220978000]: Camera calibration file /root/.ros/camera_info/camera.yaml not found. [ INFO] [1549522676.221308600]: Opened the stream, starting to publish. [ WARN] [1549522677.222049600]: No calibration file given, publishing a reasonable default camera info. [ INFO] [1549522677.222134900]: The image width is: 320 [ INFO] [1549522677.222312700]: The image height is: 240 Segmentation fault

awesomebytes commented 4 years ago

Hello, I know this is superlate (sorry about that) but did you end up getting it to work?

Also, in the last post the path is reported to be _video_stream_provider:=/video-sample.flv which is different from the previous example and kinda looks wrong again... are you really putting your files at the root / of your filesystem?

If no reply in a while we should probably close this issue. Once again, sorry for not giving any further reply in time.