ros-industrial / abb_driver

(old) ROS driver for ABB IRC5 / RW5 or RW6 controllers (Simple Message & RAPID)
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Stuck on "Install RAPID Files" tutorial step #16

Open AndyZe opened 2 years ago

AndyZe commented 2 years ago

I'm following the tutorial here to simulate a robot with RobotStudio. It's going fairly well until this step:

Before continuing in RobotStudio, you need to put the RAPID files of the ROS driver on the controller of the created arm.

    1. Go to <documents_directory>\RobotStudio\Systems and select the folder corresponding to the name of your station. 

Well, \Systems is empty.

I haven't manually saved a system yet. I did save a "station" that I created with my robot, but it's in a different folder and I don't think that's what I need at this step. I suspect the wiki is just outdated and maybe I shouldn't even be using this package anymore.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

I suspect the wiki is just outdated and maybe I shouldn't even be using this package anymore.

that's a bit dramatic, isn't it?

abb_driver is perfectly usable, it just depends on your use-case whether it is suitable.

Where you find the directories depends a bit on how you created your station or solution.

The tutorial author (not me) chose the empty station route.

I prefer to create a solution:

In both cases, you'll need to find the Virtual Controllers directory. With a solution, that would be in <documents_directory>\RobotStudio\Solutions\<name_of_your_solution>. If you followed the tutorial, it would be in <documents_directory>\RobotStudio\Virtual Controllers.

Inside the Virtual Controllers directory, you should find the directory containing the FS of the VC. Following the tutorial it would have the name you gave it. With a solution it typically gets the name of the mechanism (ie: the robot you configured).

Inside that you should find the HOME folder.

Alternatively: after creating the station, adding the controller and the robot: go to the Controller or RAPID tab, use the Controller browser on the left side of the screen to drill down to HOME. Then open the context menu and select Open Folder.

The wiki tutorial was written when robotstudio v5.x was still used. Things changed a little since then and no one appears to have updated the page.