Closed Promethees closed 2 years ago
Hi @Promethees, thank you for identifying this issue. Apologies for the inconvenience caused. Working on it.
Will update once the /srv folder has been properly updated over at EPD.
Hi @Promethees,
A hot fix has been introduced over at EPD under a forked repository.
Please use the following forked repository while the Continuous Integration (CI) issues are being resolved before merging into the official ros-industrial repository:
git clone
Do let us know if this resolves this issue for you. Will update again once the fix has been merged officially.
Hi, I really appreciate for the prompt response and the fix! However, I'm still confused for the missing of a file called epd_msgs/srv/Perception.hpp. Is this still the one hasn't been uploaded yet?
It has been added. Just not specifically in the latest commit.
Please refer to this commit.
However, please still use the latest commit as highlighted above since simply including the .srv
file is not enough. There are features in place in EPD that makes use of it.
Ah, it appears that my ros is a little bit behind after an instant merge(i.e: it should take a while for ros's cmake to recognize the existence of the newly added Perception.srv to do the build). Anyways, this issue is solved, thanks a lot!
Hi @Promethees,
A hot fix has been introduced over at EPD under a forked repository.
Please use the following forked repository while the Continuous Integration (CI) issues are being resolved before merging into the official ros-industrial repository:
git clone
Do let us know if this resolves this issue for you. Will update again once the fix has been merged officially.
The fix has been merged officially into ros-industrial's easy_perception_deployment
In order to have get grasp_planning being a subscriber of topic /processor/epd_localize_output, the /grasp_planner/include/grasp_planner/grasp_scene.cpp should be proceeded. In its header file, grasp_scene.hpp, whenever global variable EPD_ENABLED is set to 1, which indicate the availability of epd_msgs, the epd_msgs/srv/perception.hpp is needed for importing services and clients: Unfortunately, the /srv folder under epd_msgs seems to be missed out from easy_perception_deployment source code This issue leads to the unavailability of integration between epd's localization and emd's grasp planner. Is there any way can I resolve it?