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How to fix launch test depend error ? #273

Closed RyodoTanaka closed 6 years ago

RyodoTanaka commented 6 years ago

On our project, we want to do launch test. But we have dependencies between our original packages. That's why, when we want to do launch test using catkin tests command, it returns error on Travis. Here is the detail.


Because of dependencies between our original packages, the catkin test returns error. The result is shown in following...

What we did (tried to fix it)

Export depend package names into TARGET_PKGS environment argument. But, it did not work.

I have no idea what should I do... Thank you forward. Best Regards.

mathias-luedtke commented 6 years ago

According to your travis log, you are using a patched version of industrial_ci

What error did you get without your patches? You should not alter ROS_PACKAGE_PATH in any way! In addtion the devel space won't get build by default with industrial_ci.

Because of dependencies between our original packages

This is true for almost all repositories and does not lead to problems (normally).

RyodoTanaka commented 6 years ago


What error did you get without your patches?

Here is the result without our patches.

You should not alter ROS_PACKAGE_PATH in any way!

Because of the error, we wanted to try setting and checking that argument..... But now I understand that we should not alter ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

mathias-luedtke commented 6 years ago

Your job fails at the compile step:

/root/catkin_ws/src/motoman_project/motoman_sia5_moveit_plugins/src/motoman_sia5_arm_ikfast_solver.cpp:7868:71: error: ‘>>’ should be ‘> >’ within a nested template argument list

C++03 interprets ">>" as a bit shift.

RyodoTanaka commented 6 years ago

@ipa-mdl Sorry for late reply.

Your job fails at the compile step:

Actually, it was that. I'm sorry to bother you that the error was not related with my question. Any way, I fixed it, and encountered other 2 errors.

Error 1 : It not start to build

Here is the Travis error result. I do not understand why it is occurred.

Error 2 : Dependency Error

On the other our package, I tested roslaunch test. On that package, we have dependencies between original package. And we got following error. It says they could not find the path for original package, I think. But I do not know how to fix that....

mathias-luedtke commented 6 years ago

Error 1 : It not start to build I do not understand why it is occurred.

Please restart the job. The build did start, but the output might got suppressed. You could try to set VERBOSE_OUTPUT=true However, I would recommend to run in locally first (run_travis or run_ci).

Error 2 : Dependency Error

Just see the logs:

[/root/catkin_ws/src/fourth_robot_pkg/fourth_robot_gazebo/launch/husky_playworld.launch]: Invalid tag: fourth_robot_description

This just tells you that something is wrong with your launch files. That's exactly what these tests are for.

RyodoTanaka commented 6 years ago


Error 1

I will try it and report later.

Error 2

This just tells you that something is wrong with your launch files. That's exactly what these tests are for.

I launched it and there is no error on my local environment. And also, where I use fourth_robot_description is just following.

I do not understand which part of my code is wrong....

RyodoTanaka commented 6 years ago

@ipa-mdl I tried to set VERBOSE_OUTPUT=true. But it did not work.... Here is the result on Travis.

However, I would recommend to run in locally first (run_travis or run_ci).

Honestly, I do not have an environment about docker on my local PC.... So, I will set my environment.

mathias-luedtke commented 6 years ago

I do not understand which part of my code is wrong....

This is beyond the scope of this issue tracker. ~~It looks like you are using the wrong version of some files. If you rely on other packages, they might have changed upstream.~~

I tried to set 'VERBOSE_OUTPUT=true` but, it does not works....

As travis suggests, you can increase the timeout: script: travis_wait 30 .ci_config/

mathias-luedtke commented 6 years ago

It looks like you are using the wrong version of some files.

Your packages misses some <run_depend> lines. If you need to find something, you depend on it.

RyodoTanaka commented 6 years ago


Try 1

Your packages misses some lines. If you need to find something, you depend on it.

I checked again the dependency, and fixed what I missed at following. But, the travis still returns the error.

Try 2

To read the error message, it seems that the compiler could not find my fourth_robot_description package.... And from the message, the compiler is finding in the catkin install directory. That's why, I add installation part on my CMakeLists.txt of fourth_robot_description at following. But, the travis still returns same error...

RyodoTanaka commented 6 years ago

@ipa-mdl Sorry for so long late reply. But, I succeed to build & test everything. Here is what I did.

Add Installation part on CMakeList.txt

I added Installation part on each package's CMakeList.txt as following.

foreach(dir launch urdf)
  install(DIRECTORY ${dir}/

I referenced RethinkRobotics/sawyer_robot description package's CMakeList.txt.

And also I added Test part like following

  find_package(roslaunch REQUIRED)

Adding above, my problems are solved. The following is the result of Travis.

I'm sorry to bother you about this kind of basic mistakes... And Thank you so much for your kind help.