ros-industrial / industrial_training

ROS-Industrial Training Material
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Fix/exercise 3.1 ur repository update #357

Closed jrgnicho closed 2 years ago

jrgnicho commented 2 years ago

This PR updates the exercise 3.1 xacro and the documentation for it as well. Main change is the use of the new ur repositories

JeremyZoss commented 2 years ago

Why did you change base_frame from world to table? Shouldn't be required for Ex3.1 or future exercises...

Text before the git clone instructions still references jdlangs repo. Should update to be more generic and remove the obsolete reference.

To get UR_ROS2_Driver to build, I also needed to install ros-foxy-ros2-control and ros-foxy-ros2-controllers. Also had to change the branch on UR_ROS2_Driver repo from "main" to "foxy".

Prefer not to add unnecessary args to workcell xacro. Not needed and just complicates this example. I suggest removing all <xacro:arg> lines except maybe ur_type. Just set their "default" values directly in the call to <xacro:ur_robot>.

Installation of Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver dependencies could probably wait until a future exercise, but are just as easily done now. Might be good to add explanation in exercise text for why we're installing the dependencies (and only a subset, at that).

JeremyZoss commented 2 years ago

This worked for me:

  <!-- ur arm instantiation -->
  <xacro:arg name="ur_type" default="ur5"/>
  <xacro:arg name="use_fake_hardware" default="true"/>
  <xacro:arg name="fake_sensor_commands" default="true"/>
      joint_limits_parameters_file="$(find ur_description)/config/$(arg ur_type)/joint_limits.yaml"
      kinematics_parameters_file="$(find ur_description)/config/$(arg ur_type)/default_kinematics.yaml"
      physical_parameters_file="$(find ur_description)/config/$(arg ur_type)/physical_parameters.yaml"
      visual_parameters_file="$(find ur_description)/config/$(arg ur_type)/visual_parameters.yaml"/>
jrgnicho commented 2 years ago
