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UR5 not displaying in Rviz - Training 3.1 Workcell XACRO #395

Open lucasbrodo opened 1 year ago

lucasbrodo commented 1 year ago


I'm following in order the training tutorials but I'm encountering a problem in tutorial 3.1 - Workcell XACRO. The UR5 robot is not represented even if everything works with TF after I run the final command ros2 launch myworkcell_support (see picture below).

Screenshot 2023-05-29 235544

Did I miss something ?

Thank you very much for your help and for all the great training material.



marip8 commented 1 year ago

Can you post the terminal output for this issue?

lucasbrodo commented 1 year ago

Hi @marip8,


Since I have a german locale setting, I tried the recommended export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" ( but it does not seem to work.

marip8 commented 1 year ago

Interesting; usually when the mesh models don't show up, it's because the package URI's can't be resolved (sometimes because the repo wasn't sourced correctly), but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Have you set your ROS_DOMAIN_ID or ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY environment variables? Sometimes I see weird behavior like this when multiple people are running ROS2 systems simultaneously on the same network. If you don't want to set those variables, you could also disconnect from LAN/WAN and try running this launch file again

lucasbrodo commented 1 year ago

Hi @marip8, I have tried setting the ROS_DOMAIN_ID and ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY but it does not change the output. Neither disconnecting the LAN/WAN. Do you have any other ideas ? Thank you for your help

marip8 commented 1 year ago

Just to be clear, ROS_DOMAIN_ID needs to be set to a "unique" number between 0 and 101 per here and ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY needs to be set to 1, rather than just setting the variables without values. Assuming you set these correctly, I would check the size of the meshes. Sometimes the scale is wrong (inches vs m, or mm vs m), so they load correctly but they are either too large or too small to see. Other than that, I would check through the robot model display to make sure it's not reporting any sort of issue. You could also check that your terminal knows the location of the package from which the meshes are being pulled (presumably ur_description)