ros-industrial / kuka_experimental

Experimental packages for KUKA manipulators within ROS-Industrial (
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xacro to urdf for kr6700 #219

Closed Marcotoulouse3 closed 2 years ago

Marcotoulouse3 commented 2 years ago

Hello I want to create urdf file with rosrun xacro xacro . I launch rosrun in directory "kuka_kr6_support/urdf" and i have got a error

my command rosrun xacro xacro kr6r700sixx.xacro> kr6r700sixx

and error

resource not found: kuka_kr6_support
ROS path [0]=/opt/ros/noetic/share/ros
ROS path [1]=/opt/ros/noetic/share
gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Did you build and source your workspace before running that command?

If you didn't, that would be the cause of the error you mention.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

I'm going to assume that was/is the cause, and close this issue.

Feel free to keep commenting on it of course.

Marcotoulouse3 commented 2 years ago

Thanks... I'm so sorry .. Effectively i forget to source project, no problem after to create my urdf.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

No need to apologise.

Good to hear you got it to work.