ros-industrial / motoman

ROS-Industrial Motoman support (
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sia20d_support: incorrect joint limits (s, r & t) #102

Closed gavanderhoorn closed 8 years ago

gavanderhoorn commented 8 years ago

The position limits for joint_s, joint_r and joint_t are specified as (-)3.1416 for the SIA20 in sia20d_macro.xacro, which is incorrect (here for joint_t fi). The spec sheet has these at 180 degrees, which would be exactly pi.

It would appear the values in the urdf are rounded up, while they should'be been either floored or written out with more digits.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 years ago

This has actually caused problems when planning motions close to the joint limits. MoveIt exploited the tiny bit of extra space, while the robot (correctly) returned an error, refusing to complete the motion.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 years ago

Thanks @jettan and @mbharatheesha for reporting.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 years ago

Note that this package will be removed in ROS Kinetic (and replaced with motoman_sia_support), but should still be fixed for Indigo.

gavanderhoorn commented 8 years ago

Fixed in 2d42582.