ros-industrial / motoman

ROS-Industrial Motoman support (
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Implications of high Command - Feedback latency #219

Closed andreaskoepf closed 2 years ago

andreaskoepf commented 6 years ago

In order to evaluate the realtime control capabilities of a SDA10D (DX100) with the Motoman ROS driver we conducted a couple ot realtime control experiments at Xamla. We modified the MotoPlus part of the driver to report not only joint-states but also additional values like the command position. We found that our DX100 with the mpMeiIncrementMove() command has a relative high latency for executing commands of at least 150ms which cannot be explained by the physical limitation of the motors. We think a processing part like a moving average smoothing filter in the Yaskawa motor controllers could explain the observed behavior, e.g. Eric Macil of Yaskawa America writes in a forum post regarding CMD-FB latency "That command goes through an averaging filter for motion smoothness and then PID control loop command the motion to reduce the error between the feedback position and command position.".

We asked Yaskawa whether it would be possible to reduce the system latency but we learned that it is not possible to reduce the latency significantly and that even a minor possible reductions would result in a complete loss of warranty. Although the CMD-delay is a significant problem for ROS based realtime control loops, like force-torque control, we managed to get this working to some extend with work-arounds like look-ahead. Some videos of FT behaviour that we managed to get working are: Admittance Control and Impedance Control

I would like to share some plots that we recorded about a year ago:

1. Single Joint Sinus-Trajectory


In this plot the yellow q_cmd line represents the position that has been commanded, meaning the sample was generated after the command had been processed by mpMeiIncrementMove(). The green q_fb line is the joint feedback reported by the Motoman driver (which is normally published on the /joint_states topic). You see a clear phase shift of >100ms between yellow and green lines.

The light blue forces_abs line is the before zeroed norm reading of a ATI gamma force torque sensor. The temporal correlation between measured absolute force (~abs acceleration) and joint-feedback indicate that the joint-feedback is probably the actual position of the robot reported only with minimal latency, e.g. directly read out of the joint-encoders.

2. Force-Torque based Move Until Contact


The plot was generated while touching a wood board with the SDA10D. In this plot you can see the operation of our TVP extension to the Motoman driver. After reaching the FT-threshold we send a new setpoint to move the robot away from the collision. The reception of the new setpoint inside the DX100 controller is reflected by the red q_cmd line which confirms the command from he motoplus side of the driver. The TVP controller (also realtime in MotoPlus) now generates new commands for the internal incremental moves while respecting configured acceleration and velocity limits. The TVP controller output can be seen by the yellow line q_inc. The joint feedback signal is again plotted in green.

In order to classify the reaction time of the robot the time distance between crossing the FT threshold and reaching maximum force can be used, which was about 95ms in this experiment. The actual control delay can be seen by the distance in time and shape of the yellow (command) and green (feedback) plots.

Why this might be relevant in general...

We with the DX100 and others (e.g. see with a FS100 have observed that it happens quite frequently that the motoplus part of the driver rejects a trajectory planned by MoveIt! since it detects a deviation of the current command position and the start position of the trajectory. The code checking the first trajectory point is in MotionServer.c#L1152-L1161. In general I consider this check to be very important from a safety stand-point and it should definitely not be removed.

The problem: When the robot-position for planning is read 'too early' (e.g. while it is actially still moving) a planned trajectory will likely not pass the start-point-deviation check.

In many cases planning with MoveIt! will be done from the current position to a specified goal position. The current-position is read from the current robot-state which is filled by the values reported by the robot driver via /joint_states. As the above plots show there is a temporal delay between command position and feedback position.

Now the question is when the trajectory execution 'really' ends and all controllers have converged. To test this we at Xamla added 'convergence' detection code to the Motoman-Driver on the ROS side which waites for N consecutive joint-feedback reports with very small distance. With N>50 we could perform longer test-runs with thousands of moves but unfortunately it always took relatively long to wait for this kind of convergence. The effect can be clearly seen on a Speed-Test video in form of waits between consecutive motions. While the actual movement of the robot is clearly fast enough for normal industrial operation the wait convergence wait time is too high.


Todo for me:

ted-miller commented 6 years ago

Would it make sense to report the command-position additionally to the feedback-position since this is probably the real value that MoveIt! would need for a plan?

If this were implemented, then we would also need to implement a version-detection message to ensure backward compatibility with the previous message format.

When should the execute-joint-trajectory action going to completed state? Several options here: A) After total standstill of the robot at goal; B) After the the trajectory-interpolation inside MotoPlus reached end of trajectory;

I think that the software should rely on the "in_motion" field in the Robot Status message (ROS_MSG_ROBOT_STATUS). This should be the indicator to show when the robot has finished motion and the FB has converged with CMD.

Having said that... the MotoROS code needs an update to fix the "in_motion" flag. Currently, that flag only indicates that all motion increments have been submitted to the robot's motion planner. It doesn't actually indicate whether the robot is still moving due to the internal averaging filter. (On a related note, the latency for the filter is supposedly significantly smaller on the new YRC1000 controller. I haven't done any testing to measure exact values.)

So, either Eric and I need to find a better detection mechanism for "in_motion".

gavanderhoorn commented 6 years ago

@ted-miller: is the "better in_motion" implementation something you could look into?

ted-miller commented 6 years ago

Yes. Eric and I already have something coded up. I just need to test this week on a live controller before I submit a PR.

EricMarcil commented 6 years ago

A "better in_motion" implementation was submitted in the pull request #227. The "in_motion" status will now stay on until the feedback position is within the START_MAX_PULSE_DEVIATION (10 pulses) range of the command position. This should insure that once the "in_motion" status is false, a new trajectory can be initiated without getting the ROS_RESULT_INVALID_DATA_START_POS (3011) error.

There might be some latency for that to happen as pointed out in this issue from @andreaskoepf. If there are people wanting to start up trajectory sooner, this is my suggestion. You need to keep track of your command position and then monitor for the queue count (you can send the ROS_CMD_CHECK_QUEUE_CNT message #200102). When the queue count is at zero, you can start sending a new trajectory from your last command position (not the feedback position).

This was the original intent of the "in_motion" signal that use to be link to the queue count = 0 (prior to PR#227), but I don't think it was ever used that way. People would see the In_motion signal turn off and then grab the current feedback position to start planning the next motion. In retrospect, it was confusing. So the new In_motion, should make it easier for most user in the future.

ywen27G commented 6 years ago


Sir just to confirm what you have. Fanuc allows for real-time command of joint velocity right?

We are looking for an industry robots with the minimum payload of 12 kg for force control. I wonder if you may make a few suggestions? I just realized not too many industry robots expose the joint velocity interface. Any help would be deeply appreciated.

gavanderhoorn commented 6 years ago

@mitch1044444: could I please ask you to not cross-post the same question to multiple fora/issue trackers? You already posted this on ROS Answers. Let's keep discussions centralised.

Fanuc allows for real-time command of joint velocity right?

the issue you post this comment in is in ros-industrial/motoman and deals with a very specific piece of implementation determined latency in Yaskawa Motoman controllers.

I'm not sure how asking about Fanuc is related.

jarvisschultz commented 5 years ago

We just ran into this error while using PR #215. We were using the action interface to the motoman driver on the ROS side to execute repeated moves with no issues, but during our desired task we had need to temporarily use the point streaming interface. When exiting point streaming and beginning a different move we were greeted with the fairly common Trajectory start position doesn't match current robot position error.

I can confirm that as @EricMarcil suggested, checking the value of robot_status.in_motion before attempting a new motion after exiting point streaming fixed the issue.

The change in MotoROS v1.8.1 was a real life-saver for us. Thanks for everyone's contributions.

EricMarcil commented 4 years ago

For YRC1000 and YRC1000micro, if the latency is causing difficult in your application you can improve the response time by using the High Accuracy Path Control Function which is a standard function. You can details about it in the YRC1000 General Operator's Manual (Manual: RE-CSO-A051 (Japan) or 178645-1 (US)). We've recently realized that this could be combined with the use of ROS by modifying the INIT_ROS job as follows:


The 2nd point is the same position as the first one, it is just to force a motion after enabling the HTRAJON function and the TIMER T=3.00 is to give time for the change to apply before starting ROS. (The change gradually takes effect over a small period of time to avoid a sudden change in the middle of a motion, so that time could probably be reduced or removed if it is not critical right at the beginning of your motion).

Now, this will not completely remove the latency. There are still some other components such as communication, inertia, filtering that are still present but it does show a significant improvement. Below the response to a square wave (this was for testing only, you should always have some acceleration when speeding up or slowing down.) The red line is the command, the grey line is the normal response and the yellow line is the response using the HTRAJON. It reduce the latency by about half.


I hope this is helpful.

garyedwards commented 4 years ago

@EricMarcil this seems like a great improvement. Would your example completely replace the INIT_ROS.JBI from the repo or should we keep the extra DOUTs and WAITs that are currently there? Also is the MOVJ VJ=5.00 required and does this limit the joint velocity for the ROS applications? Thanks again for highlighting the HTRAJ functions.

EricMarcil commented 4 years ago

@garyedwards : You are right. That job was for testing with a different application than ROS. The code needs to be merged with the ROS_INIT job. I suggest getting the current position and storing it to a local variable and then moving to that position, so the robot won't actually move from it's current position. The reason for this is to make sure that the HTRAJON command is activated before starting to move with ROS. The 3 seconds timer is because the HTRAJON command is not applied instantly because the command can be call during motion and we want the transition to be smooth. Though I have not tested it yet, I believe the timer could be reduce, the transition would then take place during the first few seconds of the ROS generated motion. So the new ROS_INIT job looks as follows:

GETS LPX000 $PX000
MOVJ LP000 VJ=5.00
MOVJ LP000 VJ=5.00
TIMER T=0.10
DOUT OT#(889) ON
WAIT OT#(890)=ON

I'm attaching a copy of the file here (I had to zip it because .JBI extension was not allowed)

riv-robot commented 3 years ago

@ted-miller @gavanderhoorn @EricMarcil. We'd like some information of the control lag breakdown, relating to a YRC1000 or YRC1000micro and GP8 or similar:

  1. Can the joint update rate achieve 250Hz (4ms). In other words can we send a stream of joint positions to the MotoROS driver every 4ms. Theoretically the YRC1000micro is capable of 2ms but what about in practice through motoROS?
  2. Can we poll position at 250Hz (4 ms). What we want to hear is that position polling is not subject to control lag and will be available within one update cycle (within 4ms) which would be ideal. Another possibility is that feedback lags by one control cycle (within 8ms) which is not ideal but could be made to work. That is something that should be known as it is defined in software.

If response is a positive one we will be purchasing the robot today and we hope to contribute to the repository in months to come.

EricMarcil commented 3 years ago

Let me start by saying that the MotoROS driver was designed for flexibility and communication lag, it was not designed for peek performance streaming.

However some people have made a custom version for streaming. I haven't personally experimented with it but you can find the latest version under the PR #215. There is also a video showing an application of it:

Additionally, the code for the robot driver is open source and can be modified using the MotoPlus SDK (purchased option). So, if the existing ROS interface is not adequate for your needs, you could access the motion API directly.

As for the polling of position, the rate can be changed by editing the defined constant: #define STATE_UPDATE_MIN_PERIOD 25 // Time delay between each state update But you will need the MotoPlus SDK to recompile the driver with the new value.

smurray47 commented 3 years ago

@EricMarcil in the graph above "GP8 Motion Latency", is the x-axis units time in milliseconds, or does it represent number of commanded traj points? If it is time, it seems to indicate the robot begins to respond to your commands within 20-30 ms.

I've been unable to get our GP12 to begin responding to motion commands in less than 120-150 ms, and have seen even worse minimum response time on a GP180 we've been working with. That is with this new INIT_ROS job you posted above, as well as the S2C-1584 parameter enabled.

Couple questions:

  1. In the graph above, you are commanded an infinite-acceleration trajectory. Is that necessary/recommended to get better response times? From what I've seen, if we use the S2C-1584 parameter, we need to send acceleration and jerk-limited trajectories, or the robot motors/gearboxes start to sound terrible, and I don't think it's good for the robot.
  2. Right now in our application we're not really utilizing the ring buffer. If some of the delay is due to filtering/lookahead, would it respond faster if we send the first 300-400 ms of the trajectory as a batch at first, and then continued to fill up?
  3. I don't see anything obvious in the motoplus code doing buffering/filtering, would all that be done by the controller after the incremental move call is invoked? If so, are there any other parameters to tweak that behavior, if we are confident in the smoothness and feasibility of our trajectories?
  4. We're currently sending points interpolated at 25ms. I understand the motoplus code is sub-interpolating these at 4ms points. Do you think we'd get better performance if we used 4ms, or a multiple thereof?

Thanks for the help! Attached is a recording of position vs time showing the delayed reaction i mentioned (with the new INIT_ROS, plus S2C-1584 enabled) param_1584_on

EricMarcil commented 3 years ago

@smurray47 in the graph above the units are in ms.

  1. No, we do not recommend the acceleration as in the graph above. It was purely for testing purpose and doing a step at anything faster than that was resulting in a alarms on the controller. So don't do that in normal operation or at all.
  2. The interpolation loop is looking for data at every interpolation period (usualy 4 ms), whether that data is coming directly or from a ring buffer doesn't matter. If you are not using the ring buffer, you might want to do a wireshark of your communication to confirm that your data exchange rate.
  3. Yes, the filtering is done in the controller, not in the MotoPlus application. Using the S2C1584 with newer controller software removes that averaging filter, so like you mentionned in question 1, you need to properly controller the incoming acceleration profil to avoid jerky motion and make sure that your transmission rate is stable.
  4. The way the motoplus interpolation loop works it should be able to handle any rate. At 25 ms, it will do six interpolations at 4 ms and one at 1 ms. Then on the next data, it will do a 3 ms interpolation and continue with 4 ms interpolation after. At the time of comment, it will then add the 1 ms to the 3 ms data to get a full 4 ms segment. However, you mentionned that you we not using the ring buffer, so I'm not sure how that is being handled then. I would recommend to have a ring buffer of maybe 7 to 8 interpolation cycles, so that you can store the decomposition of at least one 25 ms segment. Looking at your graph, I'm not sure of the X-axis units? I don't have data on all the various models. Generally speaking, the larger the robot, the slower the response time (larger inertia, backlash...). But 120-150 ms seems long, how are you measuring it? Are you measuring on the ROS side? The robot state server only reports at every 25 ms, so that might add some delay. Then I'm not sure how quickly the information is distributed within the ROS nodes.
smurray47 commented 3 years ago

@EricMarcil thanks for the quick response.

I should clarify when I say "we're not using the ring buffer", I don't mean that we've modified the Motoplus code to remove it, I just mean we're not intentionally "pre-filling" it with any amount of the trajectory, and are instead just streaming each point just in time. So the data is presumably still coming off the ring buffer, it just doesn't have much extra data in it at any point in time.

The units on the x-axis in the graph I posted are seconds. We've implemented our own client-side and are measuring it by logging all the points we receive and send. We'll do some measurements directly from wireshark and will report back.

etran commented 3 years ago

Hi @EricMarcil. I helped @smurray47 gather some data with wireshark to confirm the high latency that he was seeing in his comment above. I've attached a trajectory plot for one of the joints that we captured with wireshark. The plot shows joint commands and feedback plotted against the timestamps from a wireshark capture. This data shows about 120-150ms of delay which matches what @smurray47 showed earlier.

Some notes about our setup:

We haven't been able to reduce the latency any further than this and we're hoping you might have some more insight on what could be causing this latency.
