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Extend MotoROS to return informative errors from IO read/write services #367

Closed gavanderhoorn closed 3 years ago

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Similar to #360, the io_relay could check for invalid values being passed with write requests.

For single digital IOs, anything but 0 or 1 is illegal.

For group IO, there is a specific maximum value that could be written.

We could consider checking for illegal values in the io_relay and not pass those requests on to MotoROS. This would also allow us to return meaningful error messages to users.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Instead of checking on the ROS side, it would perhaps also be an idea to check on the MotoROS side.

There is some checking right now, but MotoROS does not return a very informative status code. It basically just says "didn't work".

@ted-miller: would it perhaps be possible / desirable to make MotoROS return specific causes for different failure modes?

That would remove the need to extend io_relay with this, and -- more importantly -- would allow the io_relay to setup generic error handling code with MotoROS being responsible for checking controller-specific cases. That would also help with #360: instead of having to tell io_relay which ranges are acceptable, MotoROS would handle this and return something like "invalid address: out of range".

I would imagine perhaps MotoPlus return codes could be mapped?

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

@marip8 @steviedale: thoughts?

ted-miller commented 3 years ago

I'm fine with adding additional return codes. I'm assuming that you want this in the 'resultCode' field, and not in the header info.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Yes, exactly. The header should just indicate general failure. The resultCode could then encode the specific failure.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Would you already have some result codes in mind? We could start with failures reported by MotoPlus' read/write functions.

Edit: doesn't look like mpWriteIO(..) returns anything but 0 or -1.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Possible failures:

  1. illegal value for target address (ie: 123 for digital out)
  2. illegal address (out of writable/readable range):
    • should this be split into read and write errors respectively?
    • are the ranges identical?
  3. "motoplus reported -1" (despite having checked bullets 1 and 2)

anything else?

@ted-miller @EricMarcil @marip8 @steviedale: feel free to edit this comment (drop down in the top right of this comment).

Edit: as a table:

Constant Value Description
READ_ADDRESS_INVALID 1001 Address cannot be read on this controller
WRITE_ADDRESS_INVALID 1002 Address cannot be written to on this controller
WRITE_VALUE_INVALID 1003 The value supplied is not a valid value for the addressed IO element
READ_MP_API_ERROR 1004 MotoPlus mpReadIO(..) returned -1
WRITE_MP_API_ERROR 1005 MotoPlus mpWriteIO(..) returned -1

note: values are just suggestions. I just made up some numbers.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

@ted-miller: would you see an opportunity to add checking on the MotoROS side? Would you want someone else to contribute a PR to add this?

ted-miller commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay. I'll try to get to it this afternoon. If not, then I'll do it first in the morning.

ted-miller commented 3 years ago

Do you want the change in this repo, the new one, or both?

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

This one. I'll migrate the complete history to the other one -- it's a script.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

@ted-miller @EricMarcil @steviedale @marip8: could you all take a look at and see whether there is a failure mode missing? Would be good to cover the expected failure modes with result codes in MotoROS.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Seeing as the discussion has shifted from filtering in io_relay to extending MotoROS with checks, I've updated the title.

steviedale commented 3 years ago

@gavanderhoorn those failure modes look good to me. The only addition I can think of is having a different error code for addresses that don't exist and addresses that do exist but are not readable/writable. Not sure if this is worth adding another error code for or not, just a thought.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Ok. So 10001 would be an illegal address in all cases but 70010 is valid, but just not writable (from, DX200).

Is that what you're suggesting?

steviedale commented 3 years ago

Exactly. It depends on whether you guys think this is overkill. I can see both an argument for and against.

steviedale commented 3 years ago

Is there an easily accessible lookup table for valid addresses and read/write availability of these? If it is easy to find, then maybe this is in fact overkill, as they can simply lookup the address to see why it's invalid.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

The documentation is pretty clear imo. See for a screenshot of the table from the DX200 manual.

steviedale commented 3 years ago

Gotcha. In that case, I think the [READ/WRITE]_INVALID_ADDRESS error codes suffice.

ted-miller commented 3 years ago

PR #369