ros-industrial / motoman

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YRC1000 GP7 can not get the joint states #404

Closed yuetin closed 3 years ago

yuetin commented 3 years ago

Hi, we want to use motoman_driver and moveit to control the real robot. After connected the robot, ROS PC couldn't get the robot feedback and control it when it servo on.

before i enable the robot, the TP will send the packets. 185048934_477264493528469_2109267141562431776_n

success: True message: "Motoman robot is now enabled and will accept motion commands."

After enable robot and servo on. the TP didn't send the packets out.

- robot_interface_streaming can not get the new joint states
[ WARN] [1620814245.051917540]: Motoman robot is now enabled and will accept motion commands.
[ WARN] [1620814245.555061797]: Trajectory state not received for 1.000000 seconds

# few time later
[ INFO] [1620814777.525582011]: Connection failed, attempting reconnect
[ERROR] [1620814777.525703617]: Failed to connect to server, rc: -1. Error: 'Transport endpoint is already connected' (errno: 106)
[ WARN] [1620814777.525775871]: Not connected, bytes not sent
[ERROR] [1620814777.525839343]: Failed to receive message length
[ERROR] [1620814777.525899950]: Failed to receive incoming message
rostopic echo /joint_states
# stopping refresh when rosservice call /robot_enable "{}"

ROS distro: Noetic MotoPlus: MotoRosYRC1_v194.out Robot: Yaskawa GP7 with YRC1000 Controller version: YAS1.34.00A

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Could you try with v1.9.3?

Please make sure the md5sum of MotoRosYRC1_v193.out is 650c2e974b632b355f665cb9c856aab1 after you've downloaded it.

yuetin commented 3 years ago

Could you try with v1.9.3?

Please make sure the md5sum of MotoRosYRC1_v193.out is 650c2e974b632b355f665cb9c856aab1 after you've downloaded it.


It seems same situation in 1.9.3 and 1.9.1

we also try it on gp12 it could work on gp12 but gp7 will happens above that

185323395_956180858533925_7128789655275856116_n 185337068_2923595437891362_3587142404103106905_n

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Ok, this starts to sound like a problem on the controller.

@EricMarcil @ted-miller: could the controller system software be too old on the GP7+YRC1000 combo shown by @yuetin?

@yuetin: have you contacted your local Yaskawa branch office about this problem?

ted-miller commented 3 years ago

According to the Requirements wiki page, our initial testing was done on YAS1.11.00-00. So, I expect that YAS1.34 should be ok. I can't think of any updates that would require newer system software. (Generally, if such a requirement exists, you would get an alarm 1020[5] on bootup.)

@yuetin My first guess is that there is an IP address conflict. If there is another device on the network with address, then it can cause the robot's network adapter to stop working. Please try changing the IP of the robot controller to another address that is not used.

If the IP address does not solve the issue, please get a Wireshark capture of the communication between the PC and robot controller. If you are not familiar with Wireshark, there is a tutorial here: Please recreate the error with Wireshark running and save a copy of the recording.

yuetin commented 3 years ago

According to the Requirements wiki page, our initial testing was done on YAS1.11.00-00. So, I expect that YAS1.34 should be ok. I can't think of any updates that would require newer system software. (Generally, if such a requirement exists, you would get an alarm 1020[5] on bootup.)

@yuetin My first guess is that there is an IP address conflict. If there is another device on the network with address, then it can cause the robot's network adapter to stop working. Please try changing the IP of the robot controller to another address that is not used.

If the IP address does not solve the issue, please get a Wireshark capture of the communication between the PC and robot controller. If you are not familiar with Wireshark, there is a tutorial here: Please recreate the error with Wireshark running and save a copy of the recording.

@ted-miller after i send enable to robot it start at line 7515


gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

Not really sure what to make of that capture.

Controller seems to respond to the Motoman Motion Ctrl request message in the expected way (takes about 2.5 seconds, but it needs to enable the servos, so that can take a while).

But between receiving the Motoman Motion Ctrl request and sending the reply, TCP packets start to get lost. I can't tell why.

@yuetin: are you using a Virtual Machine to run ROS Noetic, or is this a native Ubuntu install?

Are there any other hosts on the same network? Is there heavy other traffic on the same network segment?

(from the network traffic statistics screenshot of the GP7 controller I don't expect other hosts to be the problem, unless there's an IP conflict as @ted-miller mentions. @yuetin: have you checked whether there are other hosts with the same IP?)

What I do find strange though is that the Joint Feedback messages between the Motoman Motion Ctrl request and reply seem to suggest the robot is moving, while the Status messages still show Motion Possible: False (0), and there can't be any motion since Motoman Motion Ctrl hasn't completed yet. @ted-miller: could the robot be drooping a little after disengaging the breaks? Joints involved are J1 and J2.

yuetin commented 3 years ago

@yuetin: are you using a Virtual Machine to run ROS Noetic, or is this a native Ubuntu install?

Are there any other hosts on the same network? Is there heavy other traffic on the same network segment?

(from the network traffic statistics screenshot of the GP7 controller I don't expect other hosts to be the problem, unless there's an IP conflict as @ted-miller mentions. @yuetin: have you check whether there are other hosts with the same IP?)

Noetic is base on docker but we also use Melodic with native ubuntu to test it and we get the same result We are sure that there is nothing else occupying the network channel

ted-miller commented 3 years ago

What I do find strange though is that the Joint Feedback messages between the Motoman Motion Ctrl request and reply seem to suggest the robot is moving, while the Status messages still show Motion Possible: False (0), and there can't be any motion since Motoman Motion Ctrl hasn't completed yet. @ted-miller: could the robot be drooping a little after disengaging the breaks? Joints involved are J1 and J2.

Yes, this is just the brakes disengaging. If you look at the joint feedback later in the capture, the values rebound back to the original position.

There's definitely something wrong with the network connection. Since yuetin reports that the GP12 works ok, then I assume the problem is in the robot controller.

@yuetin, Some things to try:

yuetin commented 3 years ago

There's definitely something wrong with the network connection. Since yuetin reports that the GP12 works ok, then I assume the problem is in the robot controller.

@yuetin, Some things to try:

  • Connect ethernet cable directly from YRC1000 to the PC. Do not go through any network switch.
  • Make sure that there are no extra INFORM jobs running on the teach pendant. INIT_ROS should be the only job.
  • Make sure there isn't a SYSTEM JOB running in the background. In TEACH mode, touch [Job] > [Ctrl System Job]. If the [Ctrl System Job] button doesn't exist, then it is OK.
  • Contact local Yaskawa office and request an update for your controller system software. I'm not aware of any compatibility issues, but your GP7 software is about 2 years older than your GP12.
  • You could try swapping the ACP01 board from the GP12 into the GP7. (Make sure to also swap the SD card in CN104.) If that works, then there could be an issue with the network adapter on the board.

We have tried the above three methods But there will still be situations where there is no return But the situation is better than the original

We have contacted the local service office to upgrade the version and are waiting for a reply

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

@yuetin: could you update us as to the status of your support request?

yuetin commented 3 years ago

@yuetin: could you update us as to the status of your support request?

@gavanderhoorn The quotation given by the local Yaskawa is too high for us to accept Maybe we will use other currently available robotic arms Maybe I will try gp7 again when I have time in the future

ted-miller commented 3 years ago

@yuetin One other thing to check is to make sure there are not any other MotoPlus applications installed on this controller. Perhaps another app is interfering with MotoROS.

If that is not the issue, then please save a CMOS.BIN backup of your robot controller and post here. Be sure to zip the file; it compresses extremely well.

yuetin commented 3 years ago


Here is the CMOS.BIN We sure there is only MotoROS application is loaded I also get yrcVerUp.exe and Version.txt What's these two files features?

ted-miller commented 3 years ago

@yuetin, Please try posting the CMOS file again. The above only contains an empty folder. There is no .bin file.

The yrcVerUp.exe and Version.txt are not required. These are used to restore the controller system software.

yuetin commented 3 years ago


If i could get newer yrcVerUp could it update the controller version?

ted-miller commented 3 years ago

@yuetin, I attempted to reproduce the issue using your CMOS backup and controller software YAS1.34.00-00. I could not reproduce it. So, this version of controller software is OK. You do not need to update the controller version.

I suspect that there may be a hardware fault. Try swapping the ACP01 board from the GP12 into the GP7. (Make sure to also swap the SD card in slot CN104.) If that works, then there could be an issue with the network adapter on the board.

I am not sure how to troubleshoot further.

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

I'm going to close this due to inactivity.

Were you able to solve this @yuetin ?