ros-industrial / motoman

ROS-Industrial Motoman support (
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Aborting Trajectory. Failed to send point (#0): Invalid message (3) : Trajectory start position doesn't match current robot position (3011) #445

Closed akashjinandra closed 2 years ago

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Hello, My system: ROS Melodic, Ubuntu 18.04, YRC1000 running MotoRos 1.99 I'm running a multi group system with a robot on a track, meaning a group for robot and a group for the track. I am running into this error: Aborting Trajectory. Failed to send point (#0): Invalid message (3) : Trajectory start position doesn't match current robot position (3011)

I am currently on this branch:

The error doesn't seem to happen very frequently. I've read into: and however it doesn't seem like there is a solution to this issue. But I might be getting lost in reading the issues and possible solutions people have tried. Is there any solution/test code I can use to help debug this?

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Figuring out what is going wrong is not going to be possible without more information.

I'd suggest making available (or pointing to):

  1. your support package
  2. your MoveIt configuration
  3. example code which shows the problem (ie: generates a JointTrajectory but fails to execute)
  4. a Wireshark capture tracing an unsuccessful execution

PS: this could have been a comment on one of the existing issues. As-is, it seems like it's the same / a similar problem. Opening a new issue increases fragmentation.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Sorry about that, didn't mean to cause fragmentation, as mentioned in if I have a big enough delay between my movements, then the problem doesn't occur, I'm currently trying to implement the checking of the robot status in motion bit.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Then I'll close this for now assuming the problem is as described in #111 (sending new trajectories before the current one has finished executing).

Note that providing a description of the control flow would have helped to diagnose this (which is what prompted the request for an MWE).

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Hello @gavanderhoorn I am still experiencing this issue. Here are some logs with a python script to reproduce:

I'm working on getting the moveit config to a MWE for you as well. It is basically just a robot on a track with an external axis.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

We're going to need at least items 1 and 2 before I can help.

Edit: and if you're not using .launch files in your support or MoveIt package to start the driver, we're going to need those as well.


I'm currently trying to implement the checking of the robot status in motion bit.

this is now working?

How are you checking exactly? The code you provided appears to be a copy-paste of a MoveIt tutorial. I don't see any lines which check in_motion in there.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Ping @akashjinandra ?

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry for the delay. Here it is: after downloading and creating a catkin ws, you should be able to build and run these commands.

Please run roslaunch universal_moveit_config planning_execution.launch mode:=stub for testing in simulation and roslaunch universal_moveit_config planning_execution.launch mode:=real for running on real system.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

I just checked the archive you've shared.

It references a robot_hardware_interfaces package, which is not included.

For a multi-group setup, there should be a .yaml file which configures the topic_list parameter. That's present (gp200r_motion_interface.yaml), but that file doesn't appear to be loaded by any of the files in the .zip.

Could you show how the driver is started exactly?

Edit: there is a good chance this is related to what #259 attempts to fix (ie: #111), but it depends on the exact configuration and how things are started.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

And could you please also share the console logging output of the driver? I cannot run your real configuration, as I don't have your hw, and the test variant uses ros_control and fake_joint, which doesn't use any of the infrastructure of the driver.

Please make sure to start the driver using the --screen argument to roslaunch.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

I've just checked the wireshark traces you've shared in

While we could still be seeing an instance of #111, at least in real_failure.pcapng I believe MotoROS is doing what it's supposed to do.

From packet 40016 I copied the "last" state of the robot right before a new trajectory starts execution.

From packet 40026 I copied the first Motoman Joint Trajectory Point Full Extended in the new trajectory. The state in this message should correspond to what the current state of the robot is.

Summarising the messages as follows:

current:                  commanded:
  gp0:                      gp0:
    J0:   -1.885846972        J0:   -1.885846972
    J1:   -1.872935772        J1:   -1.872935772
    J2:   -1.037052751        J2:   -1.037052751
    J3:    1.785913348        J3:    1.785913348
    J4:    1.803463221        J4:    1.803463221
    J5:   -0.810656488        J5:   -0.810656488
  gp1:                      gp1:
    J0:    4.357182503        J0:    4.357182503
  gp2:                      gp2:
    J0:    3.141485214        J0:    3.140779495
  gp3:                      gp3:
    J0:    0.179838866        J0:    0.179838866

for all joints current == traj_pt0, except for gp2.J0.

The difference is 3.141485214 - 3.140779495 ~= 0.000705719 rad (approx 0.0404 degrees).

This is likely larger than the max allowed difference which is 30 pulses.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Hello and thanks for your response. I didn't realize that you would be looking at it during this time(I appreciate it.) image

It was referencing this launch file, which loads the yaml file which has the topic list parameters

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

In our production code we do it in c++ with something like this: image

I will capture a wireshark log on this, and add the waiting for robot in motion bit to the python script.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Latest screenshot of the log of the motoman driver: image

And the log of what happened when we looked at the robot in motion bit. The problem is definitely intermittent, we went through multiple trajectories back to back without issue, and then in the final one we hit an issue.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Here is a set of logs that are from the past run:

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

breaking up cause github has file limit size

EricMarcil commented 2 years ago

If I look at the failure_2.pcapng at the last failure: Packet 146379 is the failure 3011 It is a response to: Packet 146350 which is the motion start (Time=0) Group 1 Position J0: 3.771580935 But current joint feedback: Packet 146342 (before) Packet 146372 (after)
Both report the current position as:
Group 1 Position J0: 3.770539284

I have to go back to packet 145667 to find the report of position Group 1 Position J0: 3.771580935 That about 1.2 sec earlier. At that time, I can see that the Group 1 is still moving. Packet 145668: Status reports that the InMotion flag is True (1). You need to wait for the InMotion to be False before capturing the position for the start of next motion.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

@akashjinandra: could you verify the results of the analysis I did in and @EricMarcil reports?

I realise it may be inconvenient, but the way MotoROS works, there is a good reason for why it checks current_state == traj_pt0. If there is a difference, you'll get the error you report.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Could I also ask you to please not post screenshots of what is essentially text?

Please just copy-paste it into comments inside a code block.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Latest screenshot of the log of the motoman driver: image

Could you please update your ROSCONSOLE_FORMAT env var to something like this:

export ROSCONSOLE_FORMAT='[${severity}] [${time}] [${node}] [${logger}]: ${message}'

you currently appear to have it at its default, which makes it rather difficult to see which messages are emitted by which nodes / loggers.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

In failure_1.pcapng we see this:

current (pkt 26361):     commanded (pkt 26365):
  gp0:                     gp0:
    J0:   -1.894196153       J0:   -1.894188881    <<--  0.000007272 ( 0.00041 deg)
    J1:   -1.787848830       J1:   -1.787848830
    J2:   -1.366592765       J2:   -1.366592765
    J3:   -0.001671510       J3:   -0.001678563    <<-- -0.000007053 (-0.00040 deg)
    J4:    1.150621653       J4:    1.150621653
    J5:    0.003048580       J5:    0.003048580
  gp1:                     gp1:
    J0:    3.769543171       J0:    3.769543171
  gp2:                     gp2:
    J0:    1.213041306       J0:    1.210648298    <<--  0.002393008 ( 0.137109 deg)
  gp3:                     gp3:
    J0:   -0.179916993       J0:   -0.179916993

Packet 26361 is the last Motoman Joint Feedback Extended before packet 26365, which contains the Motoman Joint Trajectory Point Full Extended (ie: start of the trajectory).

I've marked the joints which show a difference between the current state and the values used in the first trajectory point of the new trajectory.

It's likely gp2.J0 which is again the cause (as in The other differences are very small, likely below the threshold.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

@akashjinandra: could you perhaps also share a rosbag with the JointState topics, the RobotStatus topics, rosout, rosout_agg and the various FollowJointTrajectoryAction topics?

That might help determine whether there is a problem with the action server reporting motion completion too soon.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Alright I will work on getting those. Thanks for the help!

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Note that so far it looks like the trajectories you are sending are just not starting at current_state. That would not be a problem on the MotoROS side, but with whatever is generating those trajectories.

The reason I ask for additional information / .bags is to make sure motoman_driver and MotoROS do what they are supposed to.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Any update here @akashjinandra ?

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Sorry our robot was down for one day, I think it is resolved but I am going to double check with a couple more cycles tomorrow.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Closing due to inactivity.

If you have any updates @akashjinandra, we can re-open.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Hello @gavanderhoorn I"m very sorry for the delay. Unfortunately it seems like we are still having this issue. Is there a way you can show me how you parse the wireshark logs? Both you and @EricMarcil seem to be able to parse these logs and find the issues where the issue is happening. We are going to collect the bag file tomorrow on the robot.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

See ros-industrial/packet-simplemessage.

That dissector should be able to let you see what's going on.

Schteve-Earl commented 2 years ago

@gavanderhoorn is a zip file with two rosbags that captured the bug, sorry it took so long to get them to you.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

@gavanderhoorn or @EricMarcil is it possible for you guys to check out the rosbags to see if we are doing anything wrong?

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

I won't have time to take a look this week.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

I've taken a look at the two .bags. There are a few things which puzzle me.

According to your earlier descriptions and the files you provided, this system is a multi-group system. The .bag however only contains a single joint_states topic, and a single /arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory namespace. I would have expected 4 of each of those, 1 per group.

Were the .bags recorded with the same configuration of motoman_driver as was shared previously (in fi)?

The JointState messages on /joint_states do seem to contain information on all groups.

subset.bag contains 9 trajectory goals. The last one did not execute, as the driver rejected it ("start state does not .."). It's a bit hard to see what's going on due to the missing (and unexpectedly named) topics, but there is something odd.

These are the timestamps of the JointState messages (on /joint_states) just before reception of that trajectory:

track     : 1645720295.662517591
robot     : 1645720296.403789562
gripper j1: 1645720295.579493134
gripper j3: 1645720296.403771242

note: these are the JointState messages most recently published before the trajectory was submitted.

There is some uncertainty, but note how the messages for the track (robot_mount_joint) and the gripper j1 joints (gripper_joint_1) are almost 1 second old.

I can't determine why that is from these .bags, and obviously, if the robot was not in motion during that second, their age should not matter.

If you could supply both a .bag and a Wireshark trace, we can rule some further things out.

I'd also be grateful if you could clear up my confusion about the action server(s) and the configuration of the topics.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Hello, I'm sorry for the delay in response. We will gather both the logs and ros bags. There are still 4 JointTrajectory Topics for each of the groups, but we only captured one in the rosbag, we will gather all of them in the next one. And I believe we are still using the motoman driver as before. Thanks again for your help.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Hello @gavanderhoorn sorry for the delay here is the rosbag with all the joint trajectory topics and a wireshark log .

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

I've taken a look, and it seems to be the same issue as earlier. MotoROS seems to be doing what it's supposed to do (ie: refuse to execute motions which don't start at the current state). It's the ROS side which doesn't seem to be doing things correctly.

In the .bag you included, MoveIt also complains about it (at least once):

[1647365689.1] [ERROR] [/move_group] [TrajectoryExecutionManager::validate]: 
Invalid Trajectory: start point deviates from current robot state more than 0.01
joint 'gripper_joint_1': expected: 1.10899, current: 1.123

this is in essence a similar check to what MotoROS does, but more forgiving (0.01 radians instead of a number of encoder pulses). It's probably also related to the problem reported in #451).

After this error, there seems to be one new trajectory submitted, which then passes the MoveIt check, but fails the MotoROS check.

The wireshark trace seems to suggest MotoROS is correct:

Pkt 29204                     Pkt 29185
  Group 0                         Group 0
      Positions                       Positions
          J0:   -2,066520691              J0:   -2,066520691
          J1:   -0,952798724              J1:   -0,952798724
          J2:   -0,334816784              J2:   -0,334816784
          J3:    0,082355373              J3:    0,082355373
          J4:    0,953410983              J4:    0,953410983
          J5:   -0,047742434              J5:   -0,047742434
  Group 1                         Group 1
      Positions                       Positions
          J0:    4,649924278              J0:    4,649930954
  Group 2                         Group 2
      Positions                       Positions
          J0:    1,122996569              J0:    1,108991385    <---
  Group 3                         Group 3
      Positions                       Positions
          J0:   -0,200996101              J0:   -0,200996101

The left packet is the first trajectory point, the right packet is the last joint state packet before the trajectory execution request is submitted.

As we can see, grp2.j0 is different between the two. The SimpleMessage messages show the exact same values as the MoveIt error.

When processing the .bag, for some reason the JointState messages (on the global /joint_states topic) for gripper_joint_1 and robot_mount_joint are really old:

[1647365689.51]: header: 
  seq: 14679
    secs: 1647365689
    nsecs: 510989038
  frame_id: ''
name: [joint_1_s, joint_2_l, joint_3_u, joint_4_r, joint_5_b, joint_6_t]
position: [-2.0665206909179688, -0.9527987241744995, -0.3348167836666107, 0.08235537260770798, 0.9534109830856323, -0.04774243384599686]
velocity: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
effort: []
[1647365689.51]: header: 
  seq: 14676
    secs: 1647365689
    nsecs: 510952833
  frame_id: ''
name: [gripper_joint_3]
position: [-0.20099610090255737]
velocity: [0.0]
effort: []
[1647365688.09]: header: 
  seq: 14469
    secs: 1647365688
    nsecs:  88279632
  frame_id: ''
name: [gripper_joint_1]
position: [1.1229965686798096]
velocity: [0.030971070751547813]
effort: []
[1647365687.76]: header: 
  seq: 14422
    secs: 1647365687
    nsecs: 756798469
  frame_id: ''
name: [robot_mount_joint]
position: [4.649924278259277]
velocity: [0.0014973023207858205]
effort: []

note the timestamps on the messages for robot_mount_joint and gripper_joint_1: 1647365687.756798469 and 1647365688.88279632 respectively.

That's over 2 seconds difference with the messages for gripper_joint_3 and the main robot JointStates.

Right now, I don't have any hypotheses for why this would happen.

Those messages are all published at the same time, and the Simple Message traffic in the Wireshark capture does not show any such delays.

I feel solving this (ie: figuring out the cause of the delay) would probably make everything work.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

rosbag info also shows this:

/gp200r/gp200r_b1_controller/joint_states                     2147 msgs    : sensor_msgs/JointState
/gp200r/gp200r_r1_controller/joint_states                     2146 msgs    : sensor_msgs/JointState
/gp200r/gp200r_s1_controller/joint_states                     2146 msgs    : sensor_msgs/JointState
/gp200r/gp200r_s2_controller/joint_states                     2146 msgs    : sensor_msgs/JointState
/joint_states                                                 4632 msgs    : sensor_msgs/JointState

The total number of messages on /joint_states should be equal to the sum of the messages published on the /gp200r/*/joint_states topics (1 msg per group, per update cycle).

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

@akashjinandra: could you please check and see whether it resolves your issue?

I've changed two things:

  1. increased the queue sizes of all JointState and related publishers. They were set to 1, which in an ideal system would be a good setting, as we avoid consumers seeing "old" messages. But in situations where there is high system load or slow consumers, and multi-group systems with all groups configured, this can result in lost messages, as there is very little time for those consumers to process the messages (they're essentially published at 4x the base rate of the individual JointState publishers)
  2. the JointState messages published to the global /joint_states topic now contain the coalesced state for all configured joints, across all configured motion groups. The old behaviour was to publish one JointState message per group, per simple message. While JointState consumers are supposed to be able to handle this, in combination with the very low queue size (see previous change), this probably didn't work reliably

Note that since you are using #259, you'll have to rebase that on-top of I expect that to not be too difficult, as I believe the changes are orthogonal.

Edit: note that this is all rather ugly. But I want to see whether this helps resolve your issue. I'll work on a nicer way of solving this later.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Hello @gavanderhoorn, thanks for your response, we will try this new code this coming Wednesday.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

@akashjinandra: could you perhaps test the combination of and

That would be instead of #259 in your case.

NOTE: this is not a complete solution. There are additional issues to address. I just want to test on more than my own hw config.

And please always keep your -- and your hw's -- safety in mind.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Hello @gavanderhoorn we will try this today. Thanks for that!

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

@akashjinandra: did you have a chance to test?

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Friendly ping @akashjinandra

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Hello @gavanderhoorn when we merged and ran the system the joint trajectory action server crashed, we are in the process of debugging it.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Could you tell me what you merged exactly?

Just to reiterate: #259 is not involved at all any more. Creating a new branch (from kinetic-devel) and merging the two branches I mentioned in into that should work.

(or at least: if I follow 'normal' usage patterns with motoman_driver)

If it doesn't, something is not right.

Could you build motoman_driver with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug and copy-paste the stack trace here?

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Does #487 mean you've got things to work (ie: not crash)?

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

Not yet, I'm going to get it tonight, should be within the hour.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

This is our branch:

Here is the trace:


 * /robot_ip_address:
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.12
 * /topic_list: [{'joints': ['joi...

    joint_state (motoman_driver/robot_state)
    joint_trajectory_action (motoman_driver/motoman_driver_joint_trajectory_action)
    motion_streaming_interface (motoman_driver/motion_streaming_interface)


process[joint_state-1]: started with pid [32936]
process[motion_streaming_interface-2]: started with pid [32937]
[ INFO] [1648580238.505593620]: Added message handler for message type: 0
[ INFO] [1648580238.510165525]: Robot state connecting to IP address: ''
[ INFO] [1648580238.511373125]: Loading topic list
[ INFO] [1648580238.511540203]: Found 4 topics
[ INFO] [1648580238.511691539]: Topic(state_value): [group:0,joints:{joint_1_s,joint_2_l,joint_3_u,joint_4_r,joint_5_b,joint_6_t},name:gp200r_r1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.511827632]: Topic(state_value): [group:1,joints:{robot_mount_joint},name:gp200r_b1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.511955905]: Topic(state_value): [group:2,joints:{gripper_joint_1},name:gp200r_s1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.512085996]: Topic(state_value): [group:3,joints:{gripper_joint_3},name:gp200r_s2_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.512218520]: Loading group: [group:0,joints:{joint_1_s,joint_2_l,joint_3_u,joint_4_r,joint_5_b,joint_6_t},name:gp200r_r1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.512525670]: Loading group: [group:1,joints:{robot_mount_joint},name:gp200r_b1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.512712496]: Loading group: [group:2,joints:{gripper_joint_1},name:gp200r_s1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.512860932]: Loading group: [group:3,joints:{gripper_joint_3},name:gp200r_s2_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.513001498]: Loaded 4 groups
[ INFO] [1648580238.513187367]:  Initializing robot state 4 groups
[ INFO] [1648580238.513338664]: Initializing message manager with default comms fault handler
[ INFO] [1648580238.513469502]: Default communications fault handler successfully initialized
[ INFO] [1648580238.513599025]: Initializing message manager
[ INFO] [1648580238.513689304]: Added message handler for message type: 1
process[joint_trajectory_action-3]: started with pid [32943]
[ INFO] [1648580238.535568754]: Joint Trajectory Interface connecting to IP address: ''
[ INFO] [1648580238.539775878]: Added message handler for message type: 10
[ INFO] [1648580238.541214043]: Added message handler for message type: 15
[ INFO] [1648580238.541411959]: Creating joint_feedback_ex_relay_handler with 4 groups
[ INFO] [1648580238.551154146]: Loading topic list
[ INFO] [1648580238.551304988]: Found 4 topics
[ INFO] [1648580238.551468156]: Topic(state_value): [group:0,joints:{joint_1_s,joint_2_l,joint_3_u,joint_4_r,joint_5_b,joint_6_t},name:gp200r_r1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.551595770]: Topic(state_value): [group:1,joints:{robot_mount_joint},name:gp200r_b1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.551770093]: Topic(state_value): [group:2,joints:{gripper_joint_1},name:gp200r_s1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.551951259]: Topic(state_value): [group:3,joints:{gripper_joint_3},name:gp200r_s2_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.552120622]: Loading group: [group:0,joints:{joint_1_s,joint_2_l,joint_3_u,joint_4_r,joint_5_b,joint_6_t},name:gp200r_r1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.552348460]: Loading group: [group:1,joints:{robot_mount_joint},name:gp200r_b1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.552424471]: Loading topic list
[ INFO] [1648580238.552512079]: Loading group: [group:2,joints:{gripper_joint_1},name:gp200r_s1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.552673081]: Loading group: [group:3,joints:{gripper_joint_3},name:gp200r_s2_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.552843497]: Loaded 4 groups
[ INFO] [1648580238.552991583]: Added message handler for message type: 2017
[ INFO] [1648580238.553025999]: MotomanJointTrajectoryStreamer: init
[ INFO] [1648580238.553238088]: JointTrajectoryStreamer: init
[ INFO] [1648580238.553945624]: Found 4 topics
[ INFO] [1648580238.554053056]: Connected to server
[ INFO] [1648580238.554060368]: Topic(state_value): [group:0,joints:{joint_1_s,joint_2_l,joint_3_u,joint_4_r,joint_5_b,joint_6_t},name:gp200r_r1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.554190716]: Topic(state_value): [group:1,joints:{robot_mount_joint},name:gp200r_b1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.554247766]: Topic(state_value): [group:2,joints:{gripper_joint_1},name:gp200r_s1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.554281675]: Topic(state_value): [group:3,joints:{gripper_joint_3},name:gp200r_s2_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.554353695]: Loading group: [group:0,joints:{joint_1_s,joint_2_l,joint_3_u,joint_4_r,joint_5_b,joint_6_t},name:gp200r_r1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.554550611]: Loading group: [group:1,joints:{robot_mount_joint},name:gp200r_b1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.554671246]: Loading group: [group:2,joints:{gripper_joint_1},name:gp200r_s1_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.554719923]: Loading group: [group:3,joints:{gripper_joint_3},name:gp200r_s2_controller,ns:gp200r]
[ INFO] [1648580238.554799479]: Loaded 4 groups
[ INFO] [1648580238.556755187]: Connected to server
[ INFO] [1648580238.556907205]: Successfully initialized robot state interface
[ INFO] [1648580238.557368877]: Entering message manager spin loop
[ INFO] [1648580238.648853377]: Unlocking mutex
[ INFO] [1648580238.648945051]: Starting Motoman joint trajectory streamer thread
[ INFO] [1648580238.654203456]: Connecting to robot motion server
[ WARN] [1648580238.654248799]: Tried to connect when socket already in connected state
[ WARN] [1648580366.228324804]: Motoman robot is now enabled and will accept motion commands.
[ INFO] [1648580369.364395635]: Receiving joint trajectory message Dynamic
[ INFO] [1648580369.379349712]: Loading trajectory, setting state to streaming
[joint_trajectory_action-3] process has died [pid 32943, exit code -11, cmd /home/bastian/stephen_pick_n_place_ws/devel/lib/motoman_driver/motoman_driver_joint_trajectory_action /joint_trajectory_action:=/arm_controller/follow_joint_trajectory __name:=joint_trajectory_action __log:=/home/bastian/.ros/log/c556229c-aeb0-11ec-a2eb-000c29df6e54/joint_trajectory_action-3.log].
log file: /home/bastian/.ros/log/c556229c-aeb0-11ec-a2eb-000c29df6e54/joint_trajectory_action-3*.log
[ INFO] [1648580369.614160301]: Executing trajectory of size: 32
[ERROR] [1648580369.690632579]: Aborting Trajectory.  Failed to send point (#0): Invalid message (3) : Trajectory start position doesn't match current robot position (3011)
gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

This is our branch:

I'm not sure what to make of the commit history.

There appears to be a huge single commit, touching 660 files.

I can't tell whether that branch contains the changes I pointed to, or what other changes it contains.

akashjinandra commented 2 years ago

That's because we are on a branch of a branch, but I will post one with my personal github tomorrow to confirm it's just the changes you recommended, is there anything else you want to see from the terminal when I run my test tommorow?

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

That's because we are on a branch of a branch


That would/should not change the commit history to only show a single commit.

is there anything [..] you want to see from the terminal when I run my test tommorow?

if things keep crashing, make sure to build motoman_driver with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug (after having cleaned your workspace) and run motoman_driver_joint_trajectory_action in gdb. After it SEGFAULTs, ask gdb to print the backtrace. Then copy-paste that here. Without the backtrace, it's impossible to say where things go wrong.

And I'd also suggest updating your ROSCONSOLE_FORMAT env var to '[${severity}] [${time}] [${node}] [${logger}]: ${message}', so it's clearer which node printed which lines.

Reproducing will be difficult without an MWE, so if you could add a .bag with the relevant topics, that would be appreciated.