ros-industrial / motoman

ROS-Industrial Motoman support (
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Using motoman in fake simulation? #509

Closed rr-tom-noble closed 2 years ago

rr-tom-noble commented 2 years ago


I'm using motoman to stream points to a robot and want to do the same in a fake simulation so I can test code quicker in an environment as close to the real thing as possible. I've tried using localhost as the robot IP, hoping that it'd play nicely with the fake controllers we have set up via MoveIt, however, I get the same error from every motoman node:

[ERROR] [1655814964.985871203] [/fake/motion_streaming_interface]: Failed to connect to server, rc: -1. Error: 'Connection refused' (errno: 111)

I believe the hardware controller is expected run a MotoROS server to provide the interface to control the robot to motoman, so I'm wondering if the connection is failing since there's no server to communicate with in fake? Fake controllers (e.g. MoveIt's) do exist though, so I'm wondering if there's a way to use them with motoman.

All of the topics I've seen online discuss using motoman with the real hardware controller, so I'm a little unsure where to start (or if it's even the best idea). I'd much appreciate any help and I'm open to suggestions :smile: