ros-industrial / noether

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Workspace Build Error with cmake_common_scripts #127

Closed acbuynak closed 3 years ago

acbuynak commented 3 years ago

Relatively new user here working in Melodic. I'm trying to build Noether and running into some build errors. I've noted Issue/PR # 93 # 98

I'd any appreciate any guidance others have. Still learning. Thanks!

_VTK_viewer call for Cmake_CommonScripts Normally if I'd see this error, I would look for a cmakelist file or similar.

CMake Error at /home/me/ws_noether/src/noether/vtk_viewer/CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package):
  By not providing "Findcmake_common_scripts.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this
  project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by
  "cmake_common_scripts", but CMake did not find one.

  Could not find a package configuration file provided by
  "cmake_common_scripts" with any of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "cmake_common_scripts" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
  or set "cmake_common_scripts_DIR" to a directory containing one of the
  above files.  If "cmake_common_scripts" provides a separate development
  package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.

PCL Build The only exception I made when following the build guide was prior to building PCL, I was unable to find a flag PCL_ENABLE_SSE. A number of warnings (? my word, not explicit) flagged in opennurbs when building, but no errors stopped the build.

I do not know how to pass the -DNURBS_FOUND=ON/OFF flag noted in Issue# 98. I don't think this related to my current issue.

Side Note I do see a number of developer warnings when building the noether_filtering package, but it does successfully build (with a note that PCL NURBS was found).

marip8 commented 3 years ago

The name of cmake_common_scripts was recently changed (to ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate), so that is likely your issue. The easiest short-term solution would be to check out tag 0.2.5 (the last state at which the package used to be called cmake_common_scripts) and try building again.

The CI builds are also failing because the current .rosinstall file pulls a named branch instead of a version or hash of that repository. We should update this repository to use the latest version of ros_industrial_cmake_boilerplate and remove it from the .rosinstall file when its debian is available (should be in a few weeks)

marip8 commented 3 years ago

PCL Build The only exception I made when following the build guide was prior to building PCL, I was unable to find a flag PCL_ENABLE_SSE. A number of warnings (? my word, not explicit) flagged in opennurbs when building, but no errors stopped the build.

I'm not sure if this flag shows up if you use the CMake GUI, but it definitely exists and is probably worth turning on. You can do this when running cmake:


You can also grep the CMakeCache.txt that gets generated by this process to check what the value of that argument is to make sure it was set correctly before you call make

I do not know how to pass the -DNURBS_FOUND=ON/OFF flag noted in Issue# 98. I don't think this related to my current issue.

This is an argument for noether_filtering and you can set it in a similar way when you use catkin to build the package:

catkin build noether_filtering --cmake-args -DNURBS_FOUND=ON
acbuynak commented 3 years ago

Awesome. Thanks for the breakdown in such clarity. This was helpful.

I successfully built the package in my workspace. Additionally, I was able to rebuild pcl-1.9.1 with both parameters set as confirmed by CMakeCache.txt

I'm better understanding how make/cmake/ccmake function together to build source code.

acbuynak commented 3 years ago

Note: The updated name reference is part of a PR here: