ros-industrial / noether

Tool path planning and surface segmenter
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Question: raster path demo generated succesfully but the path is not visable #156

Closed TJBetter closed 1 year ago

TJBetter commented 2 years ago


First of all, thank you for making this great repo and it looks really nice. Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer my question. My major is in control so these kind of programming is kind of too much for me.

I'm running ubuntu 18.04 with ROS melodic. I'm able to sucessfully complie and run the test case. However, when I run the following commmand: roslaunch noether_examples plane_slicer_rastering_generator_demo.launch

Neither VTK or RVIZ is showning the generated path. I wonder if this is by default or I need to run extra scripts to see the generated path?

Attached is the screenshot. I have been waiting for 1 hour and still no GUI showed: image