ros-industrial / noether

Tool path planning and surface segmenter
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Error: Vertex in PolygonMesh needs to have 3 elements only #182

Closed SyZbidi closed 5 months ago

SyZbidi commented 1 year ago


I've been trying to generate a tool_path on a mesh file that was generated using industrial_reconstruction package but I got the following warning + error

[ INFO] [1682331786.689697710]: Got mesh file /home/syrine/workspace/object_reconstruction_ws/src/reconstruction_ply/default.ply
[pcl::PLYReader] /home/syrine/workspace/object_reconstruction_ws/src/reconstruction_ply/default.ply:15: property 'list uint8 uint32 vertex_indices' of element 'face' is not handled
Failed to find match for field 'x'.
Failed to find match for field 'y'.
Failed to find match for field 'z'.
Error:   Vertex in PolygonMesh needs to have 3 elements only
         at line 77 in /home/syrine/workspace/object_reconstruction_ws/src/noether/noether_conversions/src/noether_conversions.cpp
[ERROR] [1682331786.691695834]: Failed to read file /home/syrine/workspace/object_reconstruction_ws/src/reconstruction_ply/default.ply
[plane_slicer_generator_node-2] process has died [pid 429536, exit code 255, cmd /home/syrine/workspace/object_reconstruction_ws/devel/lib/noether_examples/plane_slicer_example_node __name:=plane_slicer_generator_node __log:=/home/syrine/.ros/log/007bcf26-e28a-11ed-b95f-a1c452af2903/plane_slicer_generator_node-2.log].
log file: /home/syrine/.ros/log/007bcf26-e28a-11ed-b95f-a1c452af2903/plane_slicer_generator_node-2*.log
^X^C[rviz-4] killing on exit
[tool_path_planner_server-3] killing on exit
[rosout-1] killing on exit
[master] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete

I'm assuming that the error is related to the warning, and the reason behind the warning is that the x,y,z fields for my mesh are double type while most of pcl examples if not all are float.

If i'm correct, is there a way around this? Otherwise what could be the problem ?

Here are attached two examples of the mesh files that I had generated

Command I ran:

roslanch noether_example plane_slicer_rastering_generator_demo.launch

thank you for your help!

LuciferMorningStar0786 commented 10 months ago

Hi, I am also facing same issue, I am trying this in ROS1 Neotic. I've been trying to generate a tool_path on a mesh file that was generated using industrial_reconstruction package but I got the following warning + error

#setting /run_id to e702e520-47e7-11ee-9b00-bb27e3a9d02a
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [21114]
started core service [/rosout]
process[plane_slicer_generator_node-2]: started with pid [21121]
process[tool_path_planner_server-3]: started with pid [21122]
process[rviz-4]: started with pid [21123]
[ INFO] [1693477184.127820727]: Got mesh file /home/kaayatech/catkin_ws/src/noether/noether_examples/data/proper__mesh.ply
[pcl::PLYReader] /home/kaayatech/catkin_ws/src/noether/noether_examples/data/proper__mesh.ply:15: property 'list uint8 uint32 vertex_indices' of element 'face' is not handled
Failed to find match for field 'x'.
Failed to find match for field 'y'.
Failed to find match for field 'z'.
Error:   Vertex in PolygonMesh needs to have 3 elements only
         at line 77 in /home/kaayatech/catkin_ws/src/noether/noether_conversions/src/noether_conversions.cpp
[ERROR] [1693477184.166035809]: Failed to read file /home/kaayatech/catkin_ws/src/noether/noether_examples/data/proper__mesh.ply
[plane_slicer_generator_node-2] process has died [pid 21121, exit code 255, cmd /home/kaayatech/catkin_ws/devel/lib/noether_examples/plane_slicer_example_node __name:=plane_slicer_generator_node __log:=/home/kaayatech/.ros/log/e702e520-47e7-11ee-9b00-bb27e3a9d02a/plane_slicer_generator_node-2.log].
log file: /home/kaayatech/.ros/log/e702e520-47e7-11ee-9b00-bb27e3a9d02a/plane_slicer_generator_node-2*.log

Please reach out

SyZbidi commented 5 months ago

Probably too late now, i solved my problem using plyfile to convert the field types of x, y and z

gavanderhoorn commented 5 months ago

Should this be closed? The approach mentioned by @SyZbidi feels more like a work around.

@marip8 ?