ros-industrial / robotiq

Robotiq packages (
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Error compiling from source, soem headers not found #81

Closed carlosjoserg closed 6 years ago

carlosjoserg commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm on 16.04/Kinetic, that's why I had to compile from source.

Don't know how this worked before (I was on 14.04/Inidigo a week ago, and compiled from source robotiq, with soem from apt-get without problem), probably pointing to old commits or something. However, using the latest of both repositories, robotiq's and soem within the same catkin workspace didn't compile for me directly.

I checked the ${soem_INCLUDE_DIRS} var, and it has already all paths to all sub-folders containing headers (namely soem, oshw, osal) actually set here, so I don't think it is necessary to add the soem/ here, and the same for all of these. In fact, I deleted those and then it compiled everything.

I ran also catkin_make install, and I have all necessary headers under catkin_ws/install/include/soem, without sub-paths.

I can provide a PR for this, but I haven't tried functionality still. Let me know.

shaun-edwards commented 8 years ago

@carlosjoserg, thanks for the heads up. We are still in catch-up mode for jade and kinetic. Could this be related/same issue as addressed in PR #77

carlosjoserg commented 8 years ago

Hi @shaun-edwards , not really sure. The description looks like, but certainly that PR is not addressing this issue for sure, and neither the file attached by the sender.

mathias-luedtke commented 7 years ago

I agree with @carlosjoserg, using ${soem_INCLUDE_DIRS} should be correct. ${soem_INCLUDE_DIRS}/soem appends a string to a list(?).

gavanderhoorn commented 7 years ago

Nice catch. This would probably completely resolve the build issues in #88 (and make ros-industrial/industrial_ci#87 a non-issue).

gavanderhoorn commented 7 years ago

@shaun-edwards: I think this is something that would need to be fixed in any case, and it would also solve our other issue.

shaun-edwards commented 7 years ago

@ipa-mdl, @gavanderhoorn, thanks for the bump. I will work on this today.

shaun-edwards commented 7 years ago

I made the changes described in this issue, and while they built just fine on my system, all travis jobs failed.

To summarize:

shaun-edwards commented 7 years ago

I just noticed the specific include that causes the build to fail is different based on the type of build. Sometimes the build fails on an soem include from the robotiq header and other times it fails on a soem include from an internal (soem) header.

mathias-luedtke commented 7 years ago

@shaun-edwards: have you tried find_package(soem REQUIRED) instead of the soem component? I am not sure if ${soem_INCLUDE_DIRS} is set by catkin or via It would be interesting to see the content of ${soem_INCLUDE_DIRS} and ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} for some of the different cases.

shaun-edwards commented 7 years ago

I'm going to take a look at this again later in the week. However, given the lack of release for later versions for ROS, we might consider switching to a more actively maintained version here.

Kukanani commented 7 years ago

Lack of Robotiq support is a major reason our lab has not moved to ROS Kinetic.

I forked the SOEM repository Shaun mentioned and catkinized it (fairly straightforward). The robotiq package now builds with no issues, but I haven't run any tests yet. We've made a kinetic-devel branch on our fork of this repo.

rarrais commented 7 years ago

Hi @Kukanani ,

I'm trying to compile your fork on Ubuntu 16.04 using Kinetic and I'm having a little trouble. Which SOEM repository are you using? Can you share the catkinized version?

Thank you!

carlosjoserg commented 7 years ago

Hi @rarrais , I have been compiling in 16.04/Kinetic succesfully using the change in the CMakeLists.txt I proposed above using the latest, which you can find here , though I haven't tried the SOEM interface yet, I don't think the change would be an issue in functionality (I have been using USB)

Kukanani commented 7 years ago

I have a 404 error attempting to access

As I mentioned above, I catkinized the SOEM library at I'll try to port into a public repo today.

I had to change the package name to lowercase, and adjusted the include directories of the robotiq package to match the new catkin package.

carlosjoserg commented 7 years ago

Sorry, that's a typo, without the st:

Kukanani commented 7 years ago

Ah, thanks.

Here's our (now public) fork of OpenEtherCATsociety/SOEM: The commit with most of the catkinization is at A Kinetic version of this (robotiq) repo is at, with the one extra commit pointing Robotiq to the new soem.

Kukanani commented 7 years ago

I wanted to report that we've been using our catkinized version of OpenEtherCATsociety/SOEM on Robotiq S-Model hardware, with no issues so far. This may affect #101.

felixvd commented 6 years ago

@Kukanani Could you elaborate how you compiled on kinetic? I haven't been able to make it work.

EDIT: OK, I got it to compile by adding the soem package to the workspace instead of following its