ros-industrial / ros2_canopen

CANopen driver framework for ROS2
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What is the equivalent of socketCan_bridge in the ros1's ros_canopen package? #209

Open dayeongg084TW opened 8 months ago

dayeongg084TW commented 8 months ago


Additional context I created and used a 'launch file' in the socketCan_bridge of ros_canopen package in ros1. (I created a file to use can0 and can1) The ros2_canopen driver appears to have a different structure from the existing ros1. What acts as SocketCan_Bridge in ros2? If there is no related package, where should I add the launch file?

Also what is the right branch for ros2 Humble?

thank you.

hellantos commented 8 months ago

This repo only provides CANopen interface, no pure CAN interface. If you need the latter, please use

leonce-m commented 8 months ago

I also have a case where I need to control some actuator via canopen_ros2_control/Cia402System and other hardware via regular can messages. Is it possible to have canopen and ros2_socketcan access the same can interface?

Otherwise I would support the suggestion to have an equivalent of socketcan_bridge for ros2.

TZECHIN6 commented 7 months ago

I am very new to CANopen, as CANopen replies on CAN physical layer, whats the benefit of using this package, instead of using ros2socketcan to send out pure CAN frame base on the OD chart of the CANopen driver?

I am struggling to choose between ros2socketcan and ros2_can_open....