ros-industrial / ros2_canopen

CANopen driver framework for ROS2
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Export canopen_fake_slaves include directories #227

Closed MartinCornelis2 closed 2 months ago

MartinCornelis2 commented 7 months ago

Ubuntu 22.04 ROS Humble

I want to derive my own Mocked devices from either the ros2_canopen::BaseSlave or the ros2_canopen::BasicSlave, however the include folder does not seem to get exported.

Is there a reason why

  DIRECTORY include/

is ommitted from the CMakelists.txt in the ROS Humble version (didn't check other versions yet)?

Or am I not supposed to derive my Mock devices from these classes? With the way things are setup now you also have to override the entire run() of the BaseSlave/BasicSlave, just to feed your own slave class in i.e. in cia402_slave.hpp: ros2_canopen::CIA402MockSlave slave(timer, chan, slave_config_.c_str(), "", node_id_); or in my case: BLinkMockSlave slave(timer, chan, slave_config_.c_str(), "", node_id_); I feel like this will lead to a lot of code duplication if you want to create multiple mocked devices.

Please let me know if I can/should open a PR, or if I am not supposed to use canopen_fake_slaves in this way.

hellantos commented 7 months ago

Honestly, the fake slaves package has not received much love. It would be wonderful to get some help for it.

kurtist123 commented 4 months ago

I implemented this enhancement here:

I implemented the enhancement on the master branch but I would also like it on the humble branch. What is the process to get this back merged into the humble branch?