ros-industrial / ros2_canopen

CANopen driver framework for ROS2
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How to work with Heartbeat #288

Open ghanim-mukhtar opened 1 month ago

ghanim-mukhtar commented 1 month ago

Describe the question I am using the library on an Embedded onboard PC the problem is if I send a non-zero command to my motors and for one reason or other the ROS application is shut down the robot keep moving with this command, very risky business.

So I want to set the motors (the slaves) to be consumers of a Heartbeat, the supplier already showed me how to activate it on their controllers so that is done. Now I need my master to send it.

I started following the exercise here with the virtual CAN to have a prove of concept. So I focused on the Service Interface with ros2 launch canopen_tests and did the following:

response: lifecycle_msgs.srv.GetState_Response(current_state=lifecycle_msgs.msg.State(id=3, label='active'))

- Final the node info to see if I have the service `~/set_heartbeat` there:

$ ros2 node info /cia402_node_1 /cia402_node_1 Subscribers: /parameter_events: rcl_interfaces/msg/ParameterEvent Publishers: /cia402_node_1/transition_event: lifecycle_msgs/msg/TransitionEvent /parameter_events: rcl_interfaces/msg/ParameterEvent /rosout: rcl_interfaces/msg/Log Service Servers: /cia402_node_1/change_state: lifecycle_msgs/srv/ChangeState /cia402_node_1/describe_parameters: rcl_interfaces/srv/DescribeParameters /cia402_node_1/get_available_states: lifecycle_msgs/srv/GetAvailableStates /cia402_node_1/get_available_transitions: lifecycle_msgs/srv/GetAvailableTransitions /cia402_node_1/get_parameter_types: rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameterTypes /cia402_node_1/get_parameters: rcl_interfaces/srv/GetParameters /cia402_node_1/get_state: lifecycle_msgs/srv/GetState /cia402_node_1/get_transition_graph: lifecycle_msgs/srv/GetAvailableTransitions /cia402_node_1/list_parameters: rcl_interfaces/srv/ListParameters /cia402_node_1/set_parameters: rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParameters /cia402_node_1/set_parameters_atomically: rcl_interfaces/srv/SetParametersAtomically Service Clients:

Action Servers:

Action Clients:

So we can see there no heartbeat service nor in the can trace, What I am missing here ? I expected the presence of the service and a continuous can trace every second, did I misunderstood that ?

- Launch log of ``: 

- Candump of vcan0: 

 - Device: EAC-3000 with processor: ARMv8 Processor rev 0 (v8l) × 8
 - OS: Native is: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS, but the application running on Docker container based on ros:humble-ros-base-jammy 
 - ROS-Distro: humble
 - Branch/Commit: humble

**Additional context**
I tried to look up the code on my side and I was surprised to see that in neither:

-  `canopen_master_driver/include/canopen_master_driver/node_interfaces/node_canopen_basic_master.hpp` [here](, nor
- `canopen_master_driver/include/canopen_master_driver/node_interfaces/node_canopen_basic_master_impl.hpp` [here](
There is no use of `canopen_interfaces/srv/co_heartbeat_id.hpp`, and I even look through the whole repos and it is not used anywhere. I mean it is defined and built as we can see in `canopen_interface` [here]( but not used afterwards.

Does this mean that I need to write the service myself?