ros-industrial / ros_industrial_issues

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Migrate all OSS repositories to Github Actions #74

Open gavanderhoorn opened 3 years ago

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

For context, see #71.

We have been iterating on Actions templates and I believe we have converged on a minimal, but useful configuration using industrial_ci with GHA which would be suitable for a mass-migration of all our OSS repositories.

Repositories with more advanced requirements could start from there (and possibly take a look at the configurations created by @Levi-Armstrong for tesseract and related repositories).

gavanderhoorn commented 3 years ago

As this would require a rather large effort, I've tagged this as help needed.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

I'll try to work on this one on-and-off.

As this is a large amount of work, anyone else feel free to chip in.

Let's just coordinate which repositories we're working on.

Edit: repositories already done can be deduced from the linked PRs in the timeline above.

Those repositories could also function as templates for any new repositories migrated.

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago

Note: when adding GHA to a repository, it's normal for the new workflows to not run for the PR they are contributed by. That's a limitation of GHA (or a feature, not sure).

A good work-around would be to enable actions in a personal fork of the repository you're working on. Then link to the build in your fork as part of the PR description.

Example of this:

Be sure to enable actions on your fork, then switch the default branch to the feature branch you created the PR from, then go to the Actions tab, enable the workflows and start them manually (the workflows in the repositories linked above all support manual triggers).

gavanderhoorn commented 2 years ago
