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Internal server error prevents from posting question to #177

Closed ogallagher closed 5 years ago

ogallagher commented 5 years ago

I didn’t do anything special. I’m using MacOS Mojave and the Safari browser. I tried to post a question to the Q&A forum multiple times and was told an “internal server error” occurred. I recently made an account to be able to post at Below is the text of the question:

Title: RosAria not receiving messages


Macbook Air with Ubuntu virtual machine via VMWare
Pioneer3 AT robot


I have at least most of the setup for Ros+RosAria already working:

  1. The master ROS node running on a laptop at via roscore
  2. The RosAria node running on the robot’s built-in computer at via rosrun rosaria RosAria, the port set accordingly to access the robot's motors and sensors via rosparam set..., ROS_MASTER_URI=, and ROS_IP=
  3. Another terminal window on the laptop running rostopic pub /RosAria/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist “linear:... angular:...”

The RosAria node running on the robot confirms it’s able to connect to the master, and if I run the command rostopic list on the laptop I can see /RosAria/cmd_vel as one of the available topics.

In the terminal window where I try to publish to /RosAria/cmd_vel I’m told that the message is sending but the robot shows no signs of having received it, neither console message nor movement of the wheels.

However, if I quit the RosAria node on the robot and restart it while leaving the rostopic pub command running on my laptop, the robot registers the message once upon startup, moves accordingly for a bit, and then does nothing.

I’ve also tried to rostopic echo other topics like battery state, motors status and pose, but I don’t receive any messages from the robot.

I already tried changing the parameters /RosAria/TicksMM and /RosAria/RevCount according to this case.


_Why is the Pioneer robot with RosAria running not receiving the cmd_vel commands from my client if it’s apparently able to communicate with the master node successfully?_

Help's much appreciated!

Tags: melodic rosaria Pioneer3-AT

ogallagher commented 5 years ago

I just tried using Firefox, but got the same error.

tfoote commented 5 years ago

I got another similar report that it it might related to special characters in the title or text.

still does not work - chrome on mac, incognito window

but i tried remove the ° character and that helped. Seems like it cannot be used in titles or texts. Should I file an issue for this?

tried to post this:

Spinning Lidar tilted 25°forward - Experiences?

I plan to use an ydlidar tilted forward by 25° to

  1. detect obstacles and holes in the path
  2. understand where the side of the path (forest roads or farm tracks) is to drive along the side of the path

For navigation I plan to use GPS, open street maps and a Magnetometer to get the general heading of the path and compare it to my actual heading and to the constraints imposed by the side of the path or any rocks or holes in the path.

The Idea is that the forward tilted lidar would show where the path is even and where not. I would loose forward range but I would be able to look down (to discover holes or water which would look like a hole as it reflects) and I would be able to see things sticking up from the ground (distance and known height). Things, that are only a few centimeters high I would want to ignore anyway.

Yes, I understand that objects hanging over the path I would see rather late or not at all just before they knock off the sensor. And yes, I would loose seeing something meanigful "in the back". But I plan to have a robot that drives forward only and if needed turns on the spot.

My experience so far is that the "path" shows up as a line in front and the curbs or grass standing at the side and also buildings or trees show up to the left and to the right (albeit not scanned horizontally but at an angle. angled slopes up or down on the side will show up with an angle too.

Does anyone have experience with such angled laser scans? I have seen some people work with tilting lasers that scan let and right and up and down and typically they would remove the ground from the scene. In my case I would also want to remove the ground and leave all else there as potential obstacles (both deep and high).

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

I've received multiple similar emails, direct msgs (on ROS Discourse) and questions on ROS Answers about this.

Can this be looked at?

evgenyfadeev commented 5 years ago

looking into this

On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 6:10 AM G.A. vd. Hoorn wrote:

I've received multiple similar emails, direct msgs (on ROS Discourse) and questions on ROS Answers about this.

Can this be looked at?

— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

-- Askbot Valparaiso, Chile skype: evgeny-fadeev

SlopeSurfer commented 5 years ago

I have thought of two additional bits of information that might be relevant for the case I submitted (Internal Server Error trying to ask a question.) 1) I was using Chrome. 2) Since the wrapping around was all messed up (which you can see is the case in the email that you copied me on), I had gone through and put a lot of carriage returns. I felt doing that was particularly important for the cases where I was copy pasting Linux input/output. Before adding the carriage returns, the output lines were not on the appropriate separate lines. Which I think would have made it hard for anyone to follow. If you like, I could try doing the same thing with a different browser and let you know how that goes.

evgenyfadeev commented 5 years ago

Could you give it a shot please? Hopefully it's fixed now.

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

@SlopeSurfer wrote:

Since the wrapping around was all messed up (which you can see is the case in the email that you copied me on), I had gone through and put a lot of carriage returns. I felt doing that was particularly important for the cases where I was copy pasting Linux input/output.

offtopic, but: manually inserting line breaks is not needed: select the preformatted text that you pasted into your question and press ctrl+k or press the Preformatted Text button (the one with 101010 on it).

SlopeSurfer commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion about using the Preformatted Text button. That fixed most of the wrap around problems (I wound up with words being chopped across the end of one line and beginning of the next, but that was still a lot easier to read).

However, when I submitted the question , I still got the same error: Internal server error

system error log is recorded, error will be fixed as soon as possible please report the error to the site administrators

Is this reply enough to continue the search for a solution? With thousands of people asking questions, I sure have to wonder what it is about my system that is getting flagged. I'd be happy to try any variants that will help you understand the problem.

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 4:13 AM G.A. vd. Hoorn wrote:

@SlopeSurfer wrote:

Since the wrapping around was all messed up (which you can see is the case in the email that you copied me on), I had gone through and put a lot of carriage returns. I felt doing that was particularly important for the cases where I was copy pasting Linux input/output.

offtopic, but: manually inserting line breaks is not needed: select the preformatted text that you pasted into your question and press ctrl+k or press the Preformatted Text button (the one with 101010 on it).

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

130s commented 5 years ago

I just got the same error. After removing some texts now I was able to post this. What I had to remove was the following (which clearly includes some symbols that might look suspicious):

    $ tree -L 3
    ├── baa
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   ├── config
    │   │   └── rsc.yaml
    │   └── package.xml
    └── foo
        ├── a.launch
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        ├── config
        │   └── rsc.yaml
        ├── package.xml
        └── test
            ├── baa.test
            └── foo.test

UPDATE: Once the thread was created, I was able to update the content with the texts I had to remove when initially posting, and saved.

gavanderhoorn commented 5 years ago

@evgenyfadeev: has some sort of content filtering been put in place recently?

evgenyfadeev commented 5 years ago

@gavanderhoorn now it should be fixed, sorry there was an issue with unicode handling.

Yes there was an update in the spam filter and it caused this issue.

SlopeSurfer commented 5 years ago

I tried uploading my question again today, without making any changes. It worked! Thank you, Karl

On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 12:11 PM Evgeny Fadeev wrote:

@gavanderhoorn I've made a change at the time of my comment #177 (comment) that should have fixed this issue, but did not want to test on your site myself. Perhaps someone can do it?

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SlopeSurfer commented 5 years ago

I received a Noreply email from gvdhoorn suggesting that I fix the formatting of my question. That using +100 on the entire text had made some of it more difficult to read. And, so, I should only use it for certain parts. I went to the question and pressed edit. It did not seem to present me with a text editor. I tired searching, how to edit a ROS question, but did not see anything related. Can one of you tell me how to edit a question that is already posted?


On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 8:26 AM Karl wrote:

I tried uploading my question again today, without making any changes. It worked! Thank you, Karl

On Sun, Oct 28, 2018 at 12:11 PM Evgeny Fadeev wrote:

@gavanderhoorn I've made a change at the time of my comment #177 (comment) that should have fixed this issue, but did not want to test on your site myself. Perhaps someone can do it?

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

ogallagher commented 5 years ago

I was also able to post my question as it was originally written (even though now I don’t really need the answer since I’m not working in the same context anymore on that project).

Thanks to @evgenyfadeev it seems the original issue is now fixed!