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Question vanished? #219

Closed johnwason closed 2 years ago

johnwason commented 2 years ago

I asked a question about colcon earlier today and it doesn't appear in my account or the main list of questions. It said the question was submitted. I don't know if this is a bug or my question got caught in a spam filter?

robogeekcanada commented 2 years ago

Hi @johnwason I checked and your question is showing:


johnwason commented 2 years ago

That is not the title I gave for the question, which is why I am confused. Can I delete and try again?

lucasw commented 2 years ago

You can edit the title yourself to improve it (and moderators can change it also), that's better than deleting- or maybe you don't have enough karma?

I edited the title to this question recently and it doesn't clearly show that in the revision history (and possibly no notifications) but at the same time the revision history shows the original title

johnwason commented 2 years ago

@lucasw ok I edited the title. It must have autofilled to an old question and I didn't notice.