ros-interactive-manipulation / graspit_simulator

ROS wrapper and tools for the GraspIt! simulator
4 stars 7 forks source link

GraspIt installation Issues #3

Open usman151mrd opened 4 years ago

usman151mrd commented 4 years ago

I am trying to install GraspIt on Ubuntu 20.04. but Ubuntu 20.04 not support Qt4 library that is the dependency. I am trying to install through docker I cannot find a docker file in the repository or any Docker image of the graspit simulator. can you help me to install a graspit on ubuntu 20.04? actually I have run successfully as ubuntu 18.04 and I am going to work with rose node and as you know ROS melodic support python 2 and python 2 life has ended and I am going to write a robotic Cognitative framework and I want to write using latest c++ and python 3. that is why ubuntu 20.04 is important for me because ROS Neotic support python 3 and python is supported for a long time.

davetcoleman commented 4 years ago

The last commit to this repo was in 2014... this code is dead (based on my external knowledge of the people who where involved)

usman151mrd commented 4 years ago

Thanks, sir, can you suggest an alternative to this?