ros-interactive-manipulation / pr2_object_manipulation

PR2-specific functionality related to pickup and place tasks.
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Can't get interactive markers working #51

Closed danepowell closed 11 years ago

danepowell commented 11 years ago

I'm simply trying to follow the interactive manipulation tutorial to see how interactive markers can be used to control the PR2, but it seems pretty broken.

Ultimately, the problem is that when I run

roslaunch pr2_interactive_manipulation_frontend pr2_interactive_manipulation_desktop.launch sim:=true nav:=true

rviz appears but I'm not able to interact with the robot - no interactive markers appear anywhere.

There are many other hiccups along the way that may be related to this. The fixed frame (/map) does not exist, and I manually change it to /odom_combined (what it would be if the nav argument were false).

Also, after rviz launches, the terminal just cycles the following info over and over...

[ INFO] [1373485727.731924178, 29.689000000]: Waiting for service environment_server/get_robot_state
[ INFO] [1373485727.732991397, 29.689000000]: waitForService: Service [/environment_server/get_robot_state] has not been advertised, waiting...

Can you help me troubleshoot this to get interactive markers working?

danepowell commented 11 years ago

Following the interactive marker tutorial produces the same result. I select interact mode in rviz, but nothing happens when I hover over or click anything on the robot.

KaijenHsiao commented 11 years ago

Are you using Groovy? Public or shadow-fixed debians, or compiled from source? Can you please take the entire console output from the window where you launched pr2_interactive_manipulation_robot.launch, post and link it here?

KaijenHsiao commented 11 years ago

Oy. Just tried myself using public debians. Are you seeing something that looks like this:

[tilt_shadow_filter-22] process has died [pid 3036, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/laser_filters/bin/scan_to_cloud_filter_chain scan:=tilt_scan cloud_filtered:=tilt_scan_shadow_filtered name:=tilt_shadow_filter log:=/u/hsiao/.ros/log/089413b8-e9ab-11e2-bf45-f46d0429e877/tilt_shadow_filter-22.log]. log file: /u/hsiao/.ros/log/089413b8-e9ab-11e2-bf45-f46d0429e877/tilt_shadowfilter-22.log respawning... [ INFO] [1373493227.679046885, 23.351000000]: Started trajectory filter server [scan_to_cloud_filter_chain_tilt_laser-36] process has died [pid 3481, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/groovy/stacks/laser_filters/bin/scan_to_cloud_filter_chain scan:=/tilt_scan cloud_filtered:=/tilt_scan_cloud name:=scan_to_cloud_filter_chain_tilt_laser log:=/u/hsiao/.ros/log/089413b8-e9ab-11e2-bf45-f46d0429e877/scan_to_cloud_filter_chain_tilt_laser-36.log]. log file: /u/hsiao/.ros/log/089413b8-e9ab-11e2-bf45-f46d0429e877/scan_to_cloud_filter_chain_tiltlaser-36.log

in the console where you're launching pr2_interactive_manipulation_robot.launch?

danepowell commented 11 years ago

I'm compiling from source for groovy. I do recall seeing those error messages as well. I can post the full log tomorrow, it's pretty huge. Thanks for helping.

danepowell commented 11 years ago

I recompiled everything (using rosmake --pre-clean) from groovy-devel just to be sure. I saved the console output and logs, you can find them in a tarball here:

KaijenHsiao commented 11 years ago

Yup, same problem. You just need laser_filters from source (version groovy-devel):

Jon Binney has promised to re-release it into Groovy in a moment, but it'll still take a long time before public debians has it. (And shadow-fixed PR2 debs are broken right now, so I would not recommend switching to those.)

Comment again if that doesn't fix it; close the ticket if it does.

jonbinney commented 11 years ago

Just released version 1.5.7 of ros-groovy-laser filters which (should) fix this.

danepowell commented 11 years ago

Huzzah! Updating laser_filters from source fixed it. I didn't realize initially that laser_filters crashing would bring down interactive markers as well. Thanks.