ros-interactive-manipulation / pr2_object_manipulation

PR2-specific functionality related to pickup and place tasks.
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Can't get interactive markers working #66

Closed pxlong closed 9 years ago

pxlong commented 9 years ago

I want to run pr2_interactive_manipulation in a real robot, but it seems pretty broken.

see the output at after I running: roslaunch pr2_interactive_manipulation pr2_interactive_manipulation_robot.launch nav:=true

see the output at after I running: roslaunch pr2_interactive_manipulation_frontend pr2_interactive_manipulation_desktop.launch nav:=true

the rviz appears but I can not interact with the robot - no interactive markers appear anywhere.

And the fixed frame (/map) does not exist, and I manually change it to /base_link (I run the both launch file wit nav:=true).

Note that you can see the output of robot.launch, the output just cycles the following info over and over...

[ INFO] [1373485727.731924178, 29.689000000]: Waiting for service environment_server/get_robot_state [ INFO] [1373485727.732991397, 29.689000000]: waitForService: Service [/environment_server/get_robot_state] has not been advertised, waiting...

Can you help me fix this to get interactive markers working? Thank you very much.

pxlong commented 9 years ago

Hi all,

I have successfully complied this stack on our PR2 (Ubuntu 12.04, ROS Groovy). Note that I updated the ros groovy software on the PR2 yesterday with "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade".

I cloned the pr2_object_manipulation stack on PR2 this morning, then used "rosdep check pr2_object_manipulation" to check the dependencies and there is no dependency error.

Then I rosmake it, and I get the [error: no matching function for call to ‘bodies::Body::containsPoint(const tf::Vector3&)’].

Then I run "sudo apt-get remove ros-groovy-geometric-shapes", it removes all moveit related packages.

After that, I re-rosmake the stack, and everything is OK. The interactive markers are return.

Hope this experiment can help you. Thanks.