ros-maritime / issue_tracking

A meta repo to track the state of Maritime support in ROS 2/GazeboSim
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[Simulation] Wind and Sailboat simulation #13

Open arjo129 opened 2 years ago

srmainwaring commented 2 years ago

@arjo129 I may be able to help out here. I have a basic sailboat simulation running on Gazebo11 with ROS integration (there is an ArduPilot controller version as well). I plan to revisit this project and migrate it to Gazebo Sim (Garden). The ROS coupling can probably be removed - which gives people the option to control using either ROS or ArduPilot (or both, or something else).

In addition to the sea surface, buoyancy and hydrodynamics the following plugins are provided:

arjo129 commented 2 years ago

@srmainwaring this is awesome! I've been following your work to port waves to ignition as well.

srmainwaring commented 1 year ago

Hi @arjo129, been a while but have finally finished porting all the pieces of the sailing robot to Gazebo Garden.

The example yacht and dependencies are in All the ROS dependency has been removed and the yacht is controlled using ArduPilot.