ros-naoqi / nao_dcm_robot

DCM stack integrating ros tools to control NAO robot
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Nao controllers cannot load #3

Open AxelLar opened 3 years ago

AxelLar commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm having a little issue with my nao, I've written a C++ code following the MoveIt! tutorial, it works in simulation with MoveIt! and I would like to try on a real robot. I'm working on ros kinetic with a NAO v6 robot, and when I type this command with the NAO's ip address and my network_interface from ifconfig :

roslaunch nao_dcm_bringup nao_dcm_H25_bringup_remote.launch robot_ip:= network_interface:=enp5s0

I got this :

`... logging to /home/master/.ros/log/f902e5a0-0d24-11eb-a04b-bc305bd3a2d9/roslaunch-master-Precision-WorkStation-T3500-3816.log Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. Press Ctrl-C to interrupt Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

xacro: Traditional processing is deprecated. Switch to --inorder processing! To check for compatibility of your document, use option --check-order. For more infos, see is deprecated; please use xacro instead started roslaunch server http://master-Precision-WorkStation-T3500:42221/



NODES / nao_trajectory_controller (controller_manager/spawner) naoqi_dcm_driver (naoqi_dcm_driver/naoqi_dcm_driver)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [3831] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to f902e5a0-0d24-11eb-a04b-bc305bd3a2d9 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [3844] started core service [/rosout] process[nao_trajectory_controller-2]: started with pid [3847] process[naoqi_dcm_driver-3]: started with pid [3848] [ INFO] [1602573805.028032452]: Connecting to [W] 1602573805.082404 3882 qimessaging.transportsocket: connect: Connection refused [W] 1602573805.105384 3881 qimessaging.transportsocket: connect: Connection refused [INFO] [1602573805.110724]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller [ INFO] [1602573810.315704602]: Shutting down Naoqi AutonomousLife ... [I] 1602573812.315932 3848 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp:// [I] 1602573812.316286 3848 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// [I] 1602573812.316307 3848 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// [I] 1602573812.316319 3848 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// [ERROR] [1602573812.435114263]: Please ensure that the list of controllers is TypeStruct [W] 1602573812.436828 3881 qimessaging.transportsocket: connect: Connection refused [ INFO] [1602573812.493705226]: Going to wakeup ... [ INFO] [1602573819.200979147]: Initializing the HW controlled joints with Naoqi joints. [ INFO] [1602573819.201031771]: HW controlled joints are : HeadYaw, HeadPitch, LShoulderPitch, LShoulderRoll, LElbowYaw, LElbowRoll, LWristYaw, LHand, LHipYawPitch, LHipRoll, LHipPitch, LKneePitch, LAnklePitch, LAnkleRoll, RHipYawPitch, RHipRoll, RHipPitch, RKneePitch, RAnklePitch, RAnkleRoll, RShoulderPitch, RShoulderRoll, RElbowYaw, RElbowRoll, RWristYaw, RHand [ INFO] [1602573819.201064611]: Naoqi controlled joints are : HeadYaw, HeadPitch, LShoulderPitch, LShoulderRoll, LElbowYaw, LElbowRoll, LWristYaw, LHand, LHipYawPitch, LHipRoll, LHipPitch, LKneePitch, LAnklePitch, LAnkleRoll, RHipYawPitch, RHipRoll, RHipPitch, RKneePitch, RAnklePitch, RAnkleRoll, RShoulderPitch, RShoulderRoll, RElbowYaw, RElbowRoll, RWristYaw, RHand [ INFO] [1602573821.220133631]: Stiffness is updated to 0.9 for Body [ INFO] [1602573821.309074517]: naoqi_dcm_driver module initialized! [W] 1602573821.312640 3848 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602573821.316389 3848 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [INFO] [1602573821.396973]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/switch_controller [INFO] [1602573821.398856]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/unload_controller [INFO] [1602573821.400536]: Loading controller: /nao_dcm/Head_controller [W] 1602573821.413042 3848 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f`

And it just spams the two last line until I shut down the process.

I've installed every package that were said on the nao_dcm_bringup and nao_moveit_config tuto :,

I don't know if this error comes from a misstake of mine or maybe this packages don't work with ros-kinetic, because the tutorials I've seen are with Indigo, and/or because of NAO v6 but right now I'm in a dead end.

I appreciate the time you will give to me and thank you in advance.

AxelLar commented 3 years ago

Seems like I've missed some dependencies. I've installed the ros-kinetic-joint-state-controller , ros-kinetic-joint-state-controller and the ros-kinetic-position-controllers. But now the loading controllers fails :

roslaunch nao_dcm_bringup nao_dcm_H25_bringup_remote.launch robot_ip:= network_interface:=enp5s0

`NODES / nao_trajectory_controller (controller_manager/spawner) naoqi_dcm_driver (naoqi_dcm_driver/naoqi_dcm_driver)

auto-starting new master process[master]: started with pid [24034] ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311

setting /run_id to bc92e532-0d67-11eb-aff8-bc305bd3a2d9 process[rosout-1]: started with pid [24047] started core service [/rosout] process[nao_trajectory_controller-2]: started with pid [24064] process[naoqi_dcm_driver-3]: started with pid [24065] [ INFO] [1602602478.646249511]: Connecting to [W] 1602602478.667962 24083 qimessaging.transportsocket: connect: Connection refused [I] 1602602478.686472 24065 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp:// [I] 1602602478.686829 24065 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// [I] 1602602478.686850 24065 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// [I] 1602602478.686861 24065 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp:// [ERROR] [1602602478.804713148]: Please ensure that the list of controllers is TypeStruct [W] 1602602478.806776 24083 qimessaging.transportsocket: connect: Connection refused [W] 1602602478.821545 24083 qimessaging.transportsocket: connect: Connection refused [ INFO] [1602602478.878486543]: Initializing the HW controlled joints with Naoqi joints. [ INFO] [1602602478.878538926]: HW controlled joints are : LShoulderPitch, LShoulderRoll, LElbowYaw, LElbowRoll, LWristYaw, LHand [ INFO] [1602602478.878569505]: Naoqi controlled joints are : LShoulderPitch, LShoulderRoll, LElbowYaw, LElbowRoll, LWristYaw, LHand [INFO] [1602602478.965076]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller [ INFO] [1602602480.903631396]: Stiffness is updated to 0.9 for LArm [ INFO] [1602602480.947048158]: naoqi_dcm_driver module initialized! [W] 1602602480.951002 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602481.050728 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [INFO] [1602602481.079129]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/switch_controller [INFO] [1602602481.080643]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/unload_controller [INFO] [1602602481.082182]: Loading controller: /nao_dcm/Head_controller [ERROR] [1602602481.103143697]: Could not find joint 'HeadYaw' in 'hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface'. [ERROR] [1602602481.103276828]: Failed to initialize the controller [ERROR] [1602602481.103309020]: Initializing controller '/nao_dcm/Head_controller' failed [W] 1602602481.150850 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602481.251168 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602481.351005 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602481.451421 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602481.553367 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602481.651189 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602481.750890 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602481.851263 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602481.950912 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [W] 1602602482.050970 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f [ERROR] [1602602482.104314]: Failed to load /nao_dcm/Head_controller [INFO] [1602602482.104755]: Loading controller: /nao_dcm/RightArm_controller [ERROR] [1602602482.120763069]: Could not find joint 'RShoulderPitch' in 'hardware_interface::PositionJointInterface'. [ERROR] [1602602482.120875391]: Failed to initialize the controller [ERROR] [1602602482.120901747]: Initializing controller '/nao_dcm/RightArm_controller' failed [W] 1602602482.151885 24065 qitype.genericvalue: Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed Conversion from v(void) to f(float) failed=> set to 0.0f`

And it does the same error for every controllers I've found in the nao_control/config/nao_trajectory_control.yaml.

I hope this is not an hardware problem as long as I'm using a NAO v6 robot.

Thank you in advance for your time.

SHIVOH commented 3 years ago

I am having the exact same issue [ERROR] [1602602478.804713148]: Please ensure that the list of controllers is TypeStruct while trying to connect with real Nao.

Kindly let me know if you managed to solve the issue.