ros-naoqi / naoqi_driver

c++ bridge based on libqi
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot compile for ROS Noetic Ubuntu 20.04 in WSL2 #163

Open Nielsencu opened 7 months ago

Nielsencu commented 7 months ago

I followed the exact steps listed in for ROS Noetic and above.

However, I get the same error as this

Where it complains that the LIBQI_VERSION is not defined.

Has anyone encountered the same issue?

victorpaleologue commented 7 months ago

Are you sure you did not get an error at this line? rosdep install -i -y --from-paths ./naoqi_driver Could you share the output of the command? Which OS are you running?

Nielsencu commented 7 months ago

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04.

The output of the command is

All required rosdeps installed succesfully

The command rosdep update also shows Add distro "noetic" And no error can be seen

Is there a packaged version of the repository that can be installed via apt?

victorpaleologue commented 7 months ago

Yes. IIRC it's something like apt install ros-noetic-naoqi-driver.

victorpaleologue commented 7 months ago

I've just updated the README accordingly. Let me know if that's not enough info.

Nielsencu commented 7 months ago

Thank you! Installation works fine.

One thing though, running roslaunch naoqi_driver naoqi_driver.launch gives

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [naoqi_driver/naoqi_driver_node]: Cannot locate node of type [naoqi_driver_node] in package [naoqi_driver]. Make sure file exists in package path and permission is set to executable (chmod +x)

It looks like the naoqi_driver_node is missing.

Nielsencu commented 7 months ago

Hi @victorpaleologue, can I check if this is indeed an issue with the packaged version of Noetic?

victorpaleologue commented 7 months ago

Yes. I wanted to go check the contents of that ubuntu packages to try and figure out whether the node really is missing or not, or if something else is wrong. I'm happy if you can help debugging that, but it's matter of time before I'm on it.

Nielsencu commented 7 months ago

Running rospack find naoqi_driver and cd-ing to the directory, and ls gives, cmake (directory), launch (directory), package.xml, share (directory). There is no naoqi_driver_node to be found in any of these directories.

Nielsencu commented 7 months ago

Hi @victorpaleologue if the node is indeed missing, may I check how can this be rectified?