Open amiryanj opened 7 months ago
What if you prefix your nao_ip arg with tcps:// ?
I tried to follow your advice, but it gives me this error
ros2 launch naoqi_driver nao_ip:=tcps:// nao_port:=9503 nao_username:=nao nao_password:=PASS qi_listen_url:=
[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/jetson/.ros/log/2024-04-12-17-26-49-481337-orin-desktop-51334 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [INFO] [naoqi_driver_node-1]: process started with pid [51335] [naoqi_driver_node-1] [W] 1712935609.815791 51335 qi.url: Could not parse port '//' from url 'tcp://tcps://' (errno:0, strerror:'Success') [naoqi_driver_node-1] Connect error: 14: Bad address [naoqi_driver_node-1] naoqi driver is shutting down.. [naoqi_driver_node-1] cannot publish data, at ./src/rmw_publish.cpp:62 during '__function__' [naoqi_driver_node-1] [ERROR] [1712935610.436261888] [naoqi_driver.rclcpp]: Error in destruction of rcl subscription handle: Failed to delete datareader, at ./src/subscription.cpp:52, at ./src/rcl/subscription.c:184 [naoqi_driver_node-1] cannot publish data, at ./src/rmw_publish.cpp:62 during '__function__' [naoqi_driver_node-1] Fail in delete datareader, at ./src/rmw_service.cpp:104 during '__function__' [ERROR] [naoqi_driver_node-1]: process has died [pid 51335, exit code -11, cmd '/home/jetson/ros2_ws/install/naoqi_driver/lib/naoqi_driver/naoqi_driver_node --ros-args --params-file /tmp/launch_params_f2m_n_z_'].
My bad, this attempt was misguided. Can you confirm the system you're working with? Is it a Pepper with NAOqi 2.9?
Hey @victorpaleologue Yes. I confirm the version is 2.9
Is the log complete? It's curious, it behaves as if the TLS handshake failed. It could be related to the keys of the robot under /home/nao/local/share/qi or naoqi. If so I think we'd see something in the journal (journalctl on the robot). At this time I don't have time to try to reproduce it, so you'll have to dig deeper.
I do see the following files in ls /home/nao/.local/share/naoqi
apps qi.private.aldebaran.lan.key tmp_isolated_French.lcf
asr qi.public.aldebaran.lan-crypt-tablet tmp_ws_English.lcf
expressiveness qi.public.aldebaran.lan.crt tmp_ws_French.lcf
qi.private.aldebaran.lan-crypt-tablet qi.public.aldebaran.lan.csr vision
qi.private.aldebaran.lan.crt qi.public.aldebaran.lan.key
qi.private.aldebaran.lan.csr tmp_isolated_English.lcf
No idea, what to try here.
I also realized the datetime is not set correctly on the robot. (On the tablet it's Ok.) And it seems it requires sudo permission to set the date, that I have no idea of the password. Do you think it can be relevant to this error?
The keys and certificates seem present, and we should not touch them yet.
It's a possible the date is a reason for the failure... But then the tablet would have an issue connecting too! Are the robot settings available as they should, from the tablet?
But I doubt it, because that wouldn't explain a difference between Noetic and Humble 🤔 In the end I must have left a bug there. I hope it's not about libqi versions.
Right. I just double checked with ROS Noetic. It sounds to be working without a problem. For now we might move forward by bridging between ros1 and ros2. But if you manage to find the solution, keep us updated please.
I figured it out. It's qi_listen_url:=
that is lacking the tcp://
protocol information. I'm fixing this and in the meantime you can do:
ros2 launch naoqi_driver nao_ip:= nao_port:=9503 nao_username:=nao nao_password:=<pass> qi_listen_url:=tcp://
README has just been updated.
Hello @victorpaleologue, We just tested the updated command, and it doesn't seem to fix the issue.
ros2 launch naoqi_driver nao_ip:= nao_port:=9503 nao_username:=nao nao_password:=<pass> qi_listen_url:=tcp://
We still get the disconnected error.
We are facing this "disconnected" error without anymore clue of why it's hapenning. Here is the command we are executing:
And it is being run on Ubuntu 22.04 with ROS Humble. The same setup was working when trying on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS Noetic, even though there we had to also set the