ros-naoqi / pepper_robot

Meta-package for basic Pepper robot-related packages
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Can't visualize Pepper's PointCloud using PCL viewer #46

Closed metalaman closed 6 years ago

metalaman commented 6 years ago

I have written a piece of code which subscribes to my Pepper's depth_registered/points topic, converts the Sensor::msg object to pcl::PointCloud using pcl::fromROSMsg(), when I try to visualize the pcl point cloud I get the following output, screenshot from 2018-02-15 19-33-36

I'm able to see the pointcloud on RViZ. I've tried converting the Sensor::msg PointCloud2 object to both pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> and pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>, gives the same output.

ROS Kinetic Ubuntu 16.04 Any help?

metalaman commented 6 years ago

It's a PCL issue, was able to see it using pcl_viewer and pcd file.

daniel-s-ingram commented 5 years ago

@metalaman, I was having this issue for a while too until I found out what you're seeing is just the three axes zoomed in. Use your mouse wheel to scroll out and you'll see your scene.