ros-naoqi / pepper_virtual

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Robot is falling while simulation is on #14

Closed michtesar closed 4 years ago

michtesar commented 6 years ago

When I download all packages and build properly without any error I run a MoveIt! and Gazebo. When I click start simulation in Gazebo robot is starting to falling and clamping the fingers in very strange way.

Is there any way how to solve this? I need to get simulation working as soon as possible.

nlyubova commented 6 years ago

Hello, what is your version of Gazebo and ROS? Did you install with apt-get or from sources?

michtesar commented 6 years ago

I tried both - first time I installed packages from ros-kinectic-naoqi-pepper-* and then on different machine I build it from source (here on github - pepper_virtual).

I use ROS Kinetic Kame, I believe Gazebo 7 (default one which comes preinstaleld with ROS) and Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS.

rodolfo-picoreti commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem. I'm using ubuntu xenial with ros kinetic and gazebo 7.11. I also found other persons with the same issue.

nlyubova commented 6 years ago

If you use kinetic, do not install it with apt-get, and rather compile it from source with all dependencies

nlyubova commented 6 years ago

Moving fingers are ok.

wheels for Pepper are not implemented; if you can fix them in pepper_description, please do.

For all robots, you can move arms and head

tunghustvn commented 6 years ago

I found that the default value of gravity of all fingers is false. I set it true and the fingers are ok but Pepper still fall down.

kosenhitatchi commented 6 years ago

@tunghustvn @neuropacabra @nlyubova @rodolfo-picoreti . I'm actually also trying to solve this issue, as it's quite limitating for my work right now. Let's join forces and solve that together. :muscle::muscle:

kosenhitatchi commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone. I hope you're not getting burn by the warn summer sun. Here is a quick update on the simulator.

I recently came across the work of Bas Terwijn - Pepper lab book. By following his step i managed to have a pepper which is not falling down in slow-mo.


I still have to dig a little bit on the controller_manager, but we might be on the good way.


michtesar commented 5 years ago

@kosenhitatchi by using ROS Indigo? What is your status? Are you manager to get it working? @nlyubova do you have any news? This is what I have when using latest GitHub packages

kosenhitatchi commented 5 years ago

Hi @michtesar . Nice computer background ;-)

A quick answer has I'm on the move, and don't have access to pepper anymore. There actually two issue happening in your video (I was having the same).

The first one is an issue with you gazebo version, this version do not like a type of joint defining the virtual pepper (the "PositionJointInterface" ) which induce this "gravity bug" .

Try to force the upgrade gazebo to his last stable version : Gazebo 9. It's kinda dirty but if I remember correctly it's what I did ( In my memory doing this hack with kinetic+ gazebo 9 solve the "gravity bug" on my side.

Cf :

On the other side the sliding motion is induced by a defect in the wheel's controller code, as explained by @nlyubova I did not managed to fix it.

Keep us in touch with you're progress.



michtesar commented 5 years ago

Hi Kosen! Nice!

I have managed to get a proper Gazebo simulation working with different packages, but unfortunately I am not able to control a robot with MoveIt! anymore.


rm -rf ~/pepper_ws

echo "Installing dependencies (you'll be asked for sudo password)..."
sudo apt-get install python-wstool
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-moveit*
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo*
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-pepper-meshes

echo "Creating Pepper ROS workspace at ~/pepper_ws"
mkdir -p ~/pepper_ws/src
cd ~/pepper_ws/src

git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

echo "Compiling with catkin_tools..."
cd .. && catkin build

source devel/setup.bash

cd ~
echo "Installation is complete! Try some examples..."

Right now I am interested in Gazebo simulation with MoveIt! to hook it to the Gazebo-Gym and try some reinforcement learning in pick and place task.

Have a nice weekend! And thank you for your time!


kosenhitatchi commented 5 years ago

Hello @michtesar, That's a great new.

Even if you're not able to link MoveIt to it (now), did your installation solved the "gravity bug" ?

What about the wheel controller , are you able to make pepper move using the standard ROS command ( with or other) ?


Extra question outside of the scope of this thread : Did you managed to have a virtual depth cam in gazebo ?

michtesar commented 5 years ago

I guess it solved "gravity bug" and depth and lasers and sonars are included ;-) only Moveit does not work now.